Chapter 9: Fugitives

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Y/N's P.O.V

Steve and I managed to make it to the hospital without being spotted by an S.H.I.E.L.D agents that may have be on the streets.

We discreetly walk through the hospital to get the vending machine that has the USB drive in it, but once we get to the machine I noticed that the drive was gone.

Y/N: (Whispers) Shit. It's gone.

I then hear the sound of bubblegum popping. I look up and see mum's reflection in the glass.

Steve and I both turn around to look at her. Steve then grabs hold of her and pushes her into the room behind us. I quickly follow and shut the door and, look through the blinds to make sure no one saw.

I turn around to see Steve pinning my mum to the wall.

Steve: Where is it?

Natasha: Safe.

Steve: Do better.

Natasha: Where did you guys get it?

Steve: Why should we tell you?

Natasha: Fury gave it to you. Why?

Steve: What's on it?

Natasha: I don't know.

Steve: Stop lying to me.

Natasha: I only pretend to know everything Rogers.

Y/N: I'm guessing you knew Fury hires those pirates to capture the Lumarian Star.

Mum then looked over at me.

Natasha: Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way on to the ship and so did Steve.

Steve: I'm not gonna ask you again.

I see mum's eyes widen a little.

Natasha: I know who killed Fury. Most intelligence community doesn't believe that he exists, but the ones that do call him the Winter Soldier. He's been credited with two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years.

As soon as I hear the her say Winter Soilder I briefly saw red and turned around to punch the wall. I then realised that's why mum went off after Fury's death, it was because she went to look for the Winter Soilder.

Steve: So he's a ghost story.

Natasha: Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. Someone shot out my tyres near Odessa. We lost control and went over a cliff. I pulled us and that's when I saw him. The Winter Soldier. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me.

Mum lifts her shirt up a little to show Steve the scar.

Natasha: Soviet slug. No rifling. Bye-bye bikinis.

Steve: Yeah, I bet you look awful in them now.

Natasha: Going after him is a dead-end. I know. I've tried, more than once.

Mum then holds up the drive.

Natasha: Like you he's a ghost story.

Steve: Okay, let's find out what the ghost wants.

Steve then turns to me.

Y/N: Alright. Let's do it.

And with that mum, Steve and I left the hospital to find out what was on the drive.

Natasha's P.O.V

After leaving the hospital Steve, Y/N and I went to the mall to find somewhere to plug in the USB drive. Steve and I went in whilst Y/N waited for us in alleyway outside of the mall.

As we were walking I notice Steve was walking too fast, which didn't help.

Natasha: The first rule of being on the run is, walk don't run.

Steve: I think if I run in these shoes they're gonna fall off.

We made our way into a tech store and plugged the USB drive into a laptop and, we found out that the file on the drive came from Wheaton in New Jersey. We had to move quick though as S.H.I.E.L.D was able to find out where we were once I plugged the drive in.

After dodging a couple of S.H.I.E.L.D partols we got on the escalator and I spotted Rumlow coming the opposite side.

I then turn to Steve with an idea.

Natasha: (Whispers) Kiss me.

Steve: (Whispers) What?!

Natasha: (Whispers) Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable.

Steve: (Whispers) Yeah I know.

Knowing we were about to be caught I just leaned up a kissed Steve until Rumlow passed us.

Natasha: You still feeling uncomfortable.

Steve: That's not exactly the word I'd use.

After getting out of the mall and meeting up with Y/N we got ourselves a car and headed up to New Jersey to hopefully get some answers.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now