Chapter 55: The Snap

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Stephen's P.O.V

I wake up after being knocked out by Thanos and I see him standing over Stark just after stabbing him.

Thanos: I hope they remember you.

He's about to use the stones on Stark but I call out.

Stephen: Wait! Spare his life and the life of the other and I'll give you the stone.

Thanos: Who is this other you speak of Wizard.

Stephen: When you come into contact with the time stone you'll know who it is.

He thinks for a moment before I assume agreeing.

Thanos: No tricks?

Tony: Don't.

I shake my head.

Thanos: Then I accept your deal.

I then make the stone appear and I use my abilities to send it his way.

He takes the stone and puts it in the gauntlet.

Third person prospective

As the stone joins the other's in the gauntlet Thanos sees images in his mind of the other that Strange talked about. He accepted this deal, but all Thanos could wonder was what was so special and this boy, this boy named Y/N Y/M/N James Romanoff.

Thanos: One more to go.

Before Thanos could leave he started getting shot at by Star-Lord.

Before Star-Lord could get close enough to Thanos he opened up a portal and walks through it.

Y/N's P.O.V

After helping Vis sit back down I see Wanda land down nearby. As soon as she lands she comes over to Vis and I.

Wanda: Are you two okay?

My spider sense starts to hurt me again, just like back in Scotland.

Y/N & Vision: Ahhhhh!!!

Vision: He's close.

Steve: Everyone on my position, we have incoming.

I stand up and join the other's leaving Wanda to protect Vision.

As we all look around we hear a noise and look over to see a portal open up.

We then see a a purple being come through it.

He slowly walks towards and as he got closer I knew it was Thanos, the one I'd seen in my nightmares.

Bruce: Steve, Y/N, that's him. That's Thanos.

I nod.

I start walking towards.

Y/N: Alright, eyes up, stay sharp!

We all start going towards Thanos ready to fight.

Third person prospective

As the Avengers run towards Thanos he has no problem dealing with them.

Bruce goes at him first, but Thanos uses the space stone to make him phase through Thanos and get stuck in a cliff side.

Steve, Pietro and Matt run at Thanos only to be throw away by the power stone.

Y/N and T'challa jump and try to attack from up high, but Thanos grabs both of them by the throat and smashes them together before throwing them to the ground.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now