Chapter 61: Prepping For The Mission

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Y/N's P.O.V

After getting Thor and uncle Clint back on the team and a few days of work we finally finish the time machine. Now all we have to do is test it.

Pietro, Rhodey and I check in on Scott and the other's and see Scott standing there in a white time travel suit.

Pietro: Time travel suit, nice.

Bruce tries to put the Pym particles in the suit, but Scott starts freaking out.

Scott: Be careful.

Bruce: I am.

Scott: No, you're being very Hulky. These are Pym particles and ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, these is all we have. We have enough for one round trip each and two test runs.

Scott accidentally shrinks himself down and quickly comes back up.

Scott: Okay, one test run. I don't think I can do this.

Clint: I'll do it, I'm game.

We then get uncle Clint in the suit.

Bruce goes through with Clint what may happen to him.

Rhodey: So, if we can do this, go back in time. Why don't we find baby Thanos and...

Rhodey gestures strangling baby Thanos.

Bruce: First of all that's horrible.

Rhodey: It's Thanos.

Y/N: He's gotta point.

Bruce: Second of all, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future.

Scott: Yeah, but if we go back and get the stones before Thanos does, Thanos doesn't have the stones. Problem solved.

Clint: Bingo.

Nebula: That's not how it works.

Clint: Really? That's what I heard.

Bruce: Who told you that?

Y/N: Star Trek, Terminator, Time Cop, Time after time.

Scott: Quantum Leap.

Rhodey: Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere in Time.

Pietro: Hot Tub Time Machine.

Y/N: Hot Tub Time Machine, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically any movie that involves time travel. This is known Bruce.

Bruce goes on to confuse us with time travel and past, present and future.

Scott: So, Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit?

After sorting out Clint's suit we do a time travel test.

Uncle Clint shrinks down and about ten seconds later he comes back with a baseball glove.

We then knew that it worked.

We're now all gathered in the meeting room.

Steve: So, the how works, now we need to know the when. All of us have come into contact with at least one of the stones.

I walk over to Steve.

Y/N: Or substitute "contact" with damn near been killed by one of the stones.

After going over more of how to do it we look into when to get the Reality Stone.

Steve: Let's start with the Ether. Thor what do you know?

Thor wakes up and goes on to explain how the Reality Stone was absorbed by his ex Jane and goes on to say some other crazy stuff.

But regardless of that we decide to get the Reality Stone we need to go to Asgard 2013.

Then over the next couple of days we find out from Rocket and Nebula that we need to go to two different planet's to get the Soul and Power Stones.

So with that information we decide that we need to go to Morag 2014 and Vormir 2014.

Then later that night mum, Tony, Bruce and I figure out that we need to go to New York 2012 to get the Space, Time and Mind Stones as they  were all in New York during and after the fight against the Chitauri.

The next morning Tony and I create four teams to go to the individually places/times.

Y/N: Alright, now we know where to go we need to create teams to go to the different times to get the stones.

Tony: So that means we have to split up so the teams are...

I interrupt him.

Y/N: Excuse me, this is my presentation. Do you mind? Like what the hell?

Tony: Alright kid, I'm sorry you want it, you can have it.

Y/N: Thank you Tony.

The other's chuckle at Tony and I.

Y/N: As I was saying. We need teams to go to the different times to get the stones and those teams are.

I point at the screen.

Y/N: Team one will be going to New York 2012. That team will consist of myself, Tony, Steve, Scott and Bruce. Team two will be going to Asgard 2013. That team will consist of Thor, Rocket and dad. Now, team three and four will both be going to 2014. Team three will stay on Morag to get the Power stone, and team four will go to Vormir to get the Soul stone. Team three is Wanda, Rhodey, Nebula and Pietro. Team four is mum and Clint.

Steve: Okay, great. Alright we have a plan. Six stone, four team, one shot. Get ready everyone.

We all walk away to suit up, but Tony pulls me aside.

Tony: Oh, kid. I've got a surprise for you. Come with me.

Tony and I go down the hall and he brings me into a room.

Once we're inside he taps his watch and a door opens up revealing a new Scarlet Spider suit.

Once we're inside he taps his watch and a door opens up revealing a new Scarlet Spider suit

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(A/N: So this is the new Nano-tech Scarlet Spider suit. But just imagine that the blue parts are black. It may already be black but I can't really tell.)

Y/N: Whoa, thank you Tony. It's amazing.

Tony: You're welcome. So I took your vibranium web shooters and managed to find a way to store Nano-tech within them so the suit will go on and off you at thought. Just like mine.

Y/N: Nice.

I go over and put the web shooters on and the suit activates and the Nano-tech crawls over my body.

Once the suit is fully on me I deactivate the mask and it disappears.

Tony: You look good kid. Now let's get ready.

I nod and Tony leaves the room.

I then leave and get suited up into my time travel suit. Once I'm in the suit I stop for a second.

Y/N: Well, this is gonna be the biggest mission I've ever been on.

I breathe in and out slowly before walking out and joining the other's.

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