Chapter 39: Finding The Soldier

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Y/N's P.O.V

After suiting up and getting to Bucharest and then finding where my dad has been staying I head to the room he's been staying in, I have Steve in the room above me in case things go south and, I have Sam keeping an eye out on the building across from us.

I walk around the room and see that my dad has been roughing it for the past two years since HYDRA went down.

I then find a book on the fridge, when I open it I see a picture of me dressed in my Scarlet Spider suit without the mask. I then turn the page to find a picture Steve in his Captain America suit.

Sam then comes over the comms

Sam: Heads up Scarlet. You have German special forces, approaching from the South side.

Y/N: Understood.

I turn to see my dad standing there in the room with me. I take off my mask so he can see my face.

Y/N: Do you know me?

He looks at me for a moment.

Bucky: You're Y/N. I saw you on the news when you revealed you were the Scarlet Spider.

Y/N: Look, I know you're nervous and you have every right to be. But you're lying.

Bucky: I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore.

Sam: They're entering the building.

Y/N: Well, the poeple that think you did are coming here right now, and they don't plan on taking you alive.

Dad looks around.

Bucky: Yeah, that's smart. That's strategy.

We start hearing footsteps.

Sam: They're on the roof, I'm compromised.

Y/N: This doesn't have to end in a fight.

Bucky: It always ends in a fight for me kid.

Y/N: You pulled me from the river. Why?

Dad pulls of a glove to reveal his metal arm.

Bucky: I don't know.

Y/N: Yeah you do.

Sam: Breach! Breach! Breach!

As soon as Sam says that a flashbang comes through the window.

But dad knocks it away with his arm.

Another land on the floor and dad kicks it away and I use my impact webbing to stop it blowing up in our faces.

When special forces start to break the door down dad throws the table to block it up.

After he and I take down a couple of soldier together I grab on to dad's shoulder.

Y/N: Dad stop! You're gonna kill someone.

He grabs me and take me to the ground.

Bucky: I'm not gonna kill anyone kid. And don't call me dad.

He then takes a bag out of the floor and throws it out the open door.

Once I get up dad grabs me and throws me into a solider outside the room. After getting up I disarm the soldier and catch up to my dad who's fighting squads of German soilders in the hallways.

I turn to see one soldier speaking into a radio. I grab the radio off him and break it in my hand. I turn again to see Cap standing there.

As we continue down the staircase after dad he throws one of the soldiers of the edge but I mange to catch him with my webs.

I then look to dad.

Y/N: Come on man.

He then walks off and Steve and I chase after him. Once we get to the ledge we see dad fighting a guy in a black cat suit on the building across from us.

We turn to see Sam flying around.

Y/N: Sam, southwest rooftop.

Sam: Who the fuck's the other guy?

Steve: We're about to find out.

Steve and I then jump off and land on the building across from us.

We then turn to see a chopper coming and shooting at us.

Y/N: Sam.

Sam: Got him.

Sam hits the chopper so it flys out of control.

Steve and I chase after dad and the other guy who have jump off the building.

As we follow we see down jump down to the streets below.

We jump down after him and the four of us are running down the street after each other with police cars chasing us.

Steve then gets on of those cars and I jump on the roof of it.

I then have to deal the with black cat guy as Steve drives the car.

After a couple of minutes of chasing dad on a motorcycle dad throws a bomb on the top of one of the tunnels and blows. This sends all of us flying forward

Once I got of the roof of the car I chase after the other guy and tackle him off of dad.

I turn to see Steve come over to us.

As we our surrounded by the police we see Warmachine land down near us and pointing his guns at us.

Rhodey: Everyone stand down. Now.

Steve and I put our hands up.

Rhodey: Scarlet, Cap congratulations. Your criminals.

As dad, Steve and I out put on our knees we see the other guy take off his helmet. He is revealed to be T'challa the son of the king of Wakanda, he's also known as the Black Panther.

I then realised that he was here to kill my father as his was supposedly killed by the Winter Soldier in the bombing in Vienna.

After being put in cuffs Steve, Sam, T'challa and I were put in the back of a police van taken to Berlin.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now