Chapter 35: Captain America Civil War Prologue

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Hi everyone Y/N Romanoff here and I'm back to tell you the next part of my story.

But first I want to catch you guys up on what's been happening the past year since the battle with Ultron.

Well first of all I'm still apart of the Avengers and living at the Avengers compound with my fellow Avengers. And I also created a new suit with some help for tech that Tony gifted me with.

(A/N: So, I've gone with a red and black version of the Spider-Man Ps4 suit

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(A/N: So, I've gone with a red and black version of the Spider-Man Ps4 suit. I went with this as I personally think this is probably the best suit Spider-Man has ever had. Also just picture the red as a darker scarlet red.)

Second of all Sam, Steve and I are still searching for my father Bucky Barnes. But to be honest I'm kinda giving up hope that we'll find as we've been looking for two years now, but who knows maybe one day I'll find him.

Third of all on the relationship front. Wanda and I have been together for nearly a year now and we're going strong. I thought Peitro might have a problem with as Wanda is his sister, but he's be pretty cool with it actually. I also thought me being the son of a brainwashed assassin from the 1940s would be a problem, but luckily she loves me for me which is nice given my luck in the relationship department before hand.

After the battle of Sokavia Wanda and I tried to to keep our relationship on the down low, that worked for about a month until mum saw Wanda sneaking out of my room early one morning. So, that didn't last very long. But I should also mention that Vision has been asking Wanda and I questions about our relationship, I'm guessing it's because he wants to understand more about human relationship and such. But the three of us have become close as a result, I think that's partly due to the fact all three of us have a connection with the mind stone.

Oh speaking of Pietro he's currently helping Fury and Hill track down more HYDRA agents that are still out there.

There actually been something weird going on recently. I've been hearing stories of someone running around New York with similar power's as me. I've looking for this person when I've had the chance, but I haven't been able to find them. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not looking for a sidekick, but something tells me that this kid needs help from someone who is more experienced with power's like mine.

Now that your caught I've gotta go as myself and the other Avengers are heading to Lagos to stop a guy called Crossbones from attacking and killing innocent people within a local police station.

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