Chapter 5: The Man With The Metal Arm

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Steve's P.O.V

So after a long motorcycle ride Y/N and I finally arrived back at my apartment. We made are way up the stairs when we ran into the nurse that lives across the hall from me.

Kate: I gotta go though. Okay bye.

Kate: My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac.

The woman then looks at Y/N

Kate: Who's your friend?

Steve: Oh right, Kate this is Y/N, Y/N this is my neighbour Kate.

Kate and Y/N shook hands.

Y/N: Hi, nice to meet you Kate.

Kate: You too, Y/N.

Kate was then about to walk off but I stopped her.

Steve: Hey, if you want. If you want, your welcome to use my machine. It might be cheaper than the one in the basement.

She smiled at me.

Kate: Oh yeah? What's it cost?

Steve: A cup of coffee.

Kate: Thank you, but I already have a load in downstairs, and you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward.

Steve: Well, I'll keep my distance.

Kate: Hopefully not too far.

I smiled at her.

Kate then turned back around.

Kate: Oh, and I think you left your stereo on.

Steve: Oh. Thank you.

We watched Kate go down the stairs, and Y/N turned and looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

Y/N: Damn man, she is so into you.

I rolled my eyes at the boy.

Steve: Shut up.

As I lean my ear on the door I heard the music playing and I got a bad feeling that something was wrong.

I then backed away from the door.

Steve: Alright kid, we're going to have to climb through the window.

He looked at me slightly confused.

Y/N: What? Why?

Steve: Let's just say I have a bad feeling. Come on, let's go.

Y/N and I went back down the stairs.

Y/N's P.O.V

So Steve and I went round to the other side of the building to climb through the window of his apartment and, luckily no one saw me using my powers to climb up the wall.

Steve climbed through first and I came in after. The apartment was pitch black and all we could hear was 1940s music playing. Steve then finds his shield leaning up against the wall and picks it up. Steve and I then look round the corner and see Nick Fury sat in an arm chair. We both relax once we see him.

Steve and I lean against the wall.

Steve: I don't remember giving you a key.

Nick Fury: You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out.

I was surprised when he said this.

Y/N: I didn't know you were married.

Nick Fury: There's a lot a things neither of you know about me kid.

Steve: We know, Nick. That's the problem.

Steve turned on the lamp.

Once the lamp was on we saw Nick's face. He had cuts and bruises over his face and, by the way he was holding his side he must of had some cracked or broken ribs.

Nick the turned the lamp off again and, wrote out a text on his phone saying "Ears everywhere."

Nick Fury: I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash.

He then wrote out another text saying "S.H.I.E.L.D compromised."

Steve and I looked around.

Y/N: Who else knows about your wife?

Nick then stood up out of the arm chair.

Nick Fury: Just my friends. 

Steve: Is that what we are?

Nick Fury: Well, that's up to you. 

After Nick stood up someone fired three gunshots through Fury's cheats. Once he hit the floor Steve and I ducked down and dragged Fury behind the wall. Nick started coughing and, I was about to start applying pressure to his wounds when grabbed my wrist.

Nick Fury: Don’t trust anyone.

He then gave me a USB drive.

Then Steve's apartment door bursts open.

???: Captain Rogers?

???: Captain. I'm agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D special service.

The woman turned out to be Steve's neighbour Kate.

Steve: Kate?

Steve was confused by this.

Kate: I've been assigned to protect you.

Steve: On who's order's?

Kate looked down at Fury.

Kate: His.

Kate: Foxtrot is down. He's unresponsive. I need EMT's.

Dispatcher: Do you have a 20 on the shooter.

Steve then see the shooter on the other building.

Steve: Tell him I'm in pursuit.

Steve's P.O.V

I jumped out of the window into the building across from me. I started running through the building as I saw the shooter making a run for it above me.

To make sure I caught up to the shooter I started using my shield to smash through doors and jumping across tables etc. Until I saw the shooter jump down onto another building, I then smashed through the window and landed on the building. I threw my shield at the shooter to stop him but at the last second he turned around and caught the shield like it was nothing.

That was when I got a good look at the shooter. He wore a black mask to cover his face, he also wore a full black suit and the thing that stood out the most was that he had a metal arm.  The shooter than threw the shield back at me, I managed to catch even though it knocked me back a bit.

The shooter then jumped off the roof, I went after him but when I got to the edge of the roof he was gone without a trace. So I decided to go back to help Y/N and Kate with Fury, if that's even her real name.

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