Chapter 24: A Strange Connection

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Y/N's P.O.V

We got back to the quinjet and we are now heading back to the Avengers HQ in New York.

I was standing with Steve and Thor though I wasn't paying attention to the conversation, because all I could think about was that vision I had and I was trying to figure out what it meant.

My thought process was interrupted by Cap shaking my shoulder slightly.

Steve: Hey, Y/N you okay?

Y/N: Huh. Oh yeah, sorry I was just thinking about something.

He looked at me unconvinced but luckily I was able to avoid the conversation as mum asked Thor a question.

Natasha: Thor. Report on the Hulk.

Thor: The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims.

Thor said this proudly. But I saw Banner's head drop as he was upset by this. So I smacked Thor's arm as to say "What the fuck. Don't say that".

Thor then worked to correct himself.

Thor: Not the screams of the dead of course. No, no wounded screams. Mainly whimpering and a great deal of complaining.

As Thor went on Steve and I just lower our heads in disbelief.

Tony then comes over after putting the jet on auto pilot.

Tony: It feels good yeah? I mean we've been looking for this thing ever since S.H.I.E.L.D went into the ground. Though I have enjoyed our raiding parties.

Thor: Yes, but this brings all of that to a close.

Steve: As soon as we find out what this has been used for. And I don't just mean their weapons.

Y/N: Yeah, Steve's right. I mean since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement.

Tony: Well, Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes with Thor back to Asgard. You know, just for a few days before the party. Your staying right?

Thor then puts his hand on my shoulder.

Thor: Yes, of course. A victory such as this one should be honoured with revels.

Y/N: And who doesn't love revels right? Cap?

Steve: Well this hopefully puts an end to both Chitari and HYDRA. So yes, revels.

Tony nods his head in approval.

(Queens, New York)

So after a long flight we finally made it back to HQ.

After landing mum went with Dr. Cho and her staff to help take care of uncle Clint and Thor took the scepter inside the HQ to put it in the lab.

Hill then came in to the jet where Tony, Steve and I were.

Maria: The lab is set up, boss.

Tony then looks at Hill.

Tony: Oh no Cap's the boss. I just designed everything and make us all look cooler.

Cap and I went over to Hill.

Y/N: So, what's the word on Strucker?

Maria: NATO got him.

Steve: And the human enhanced?

Maria: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. They were orphaned at age 10 when a shell collapsed their family home.

Steve and I look at the pad that had images of the twins. As soon as I saw Wanda I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever see. Even though she was technically a bad guy.

Y/N: Wow. She's gorgeous.

Hill and Cap look at me weirdly.

Y/N: What? Just because she's a bad guy it doesn't mean I can't think she's pretty. Sue me.

I then give Steve the pad back and went into HQ to check in on uncle Clint.

Natasha's P.O.V

After getting Clint to the med bay Dr. Cho put him in some sort of cradle that would heal his wound. Y/N then came in and when Clint said he was thirsty Y/N went to get some drinks.

A few minutes later Bruce came in. I then asked the question I had wanted ask since Dr. Cho put Clint in this cradle.

Natasha: So is he gonna be okay? Pretending to need to one really brings the team together.

Clint and I the smile at each other.

Dr. Cho: Don't worry, there's no possibility of deterioration. But if we had brought to my lab the cradle there could do this in about twenty minutes.

I then see my son and Tony walk in.

Y/N: Oh, he's gonna flat line. Call it. Time?

Y/N says as he pretends to look at watch on his wrist.

Clint: Oh no, no. I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic.

Dr. Cho: You'll be made of you Mr. Barton. Your girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.

Clint: I don't have a girlfriend.

Dr. Cho: Well that I can't fix.

Y/N and I looked at each other as we were the only one's who knew about Clint's family.

Dr. Cho: This is the next big thing Tony. Your metal suits are gonna be left in the dust.

Tony: Well that is exactly the plan. And Helen I expect to see you at the party in a few days.

Y/N and I then walk out of the room.

Y/N's P.O.V

After staying with uncle Clint for a few minutes I went back to my room as I wanted to continue brainstorming new costume ideas.

Then I had a weird feeling, like my spider sense was telling someone was nearby. I walked out of my room to follow this feeling.

I then turned around and saw Wanda Maximoff standing right in front of me. She was even more beautiful in person.

Wanda's P.O.V

I was walking down the street with Pietro and I had this feeling that someone was nearby. I followed this presence, I went down an alleyway and turned a corner. When I got there I saw Y/N Romanoff, the Scarlet Spider.

When I saw him I realised he was even more handsome up close, as I looked him and felt the heat rise up into my cheeks.

Y/N's P.O.V

I saw her standing there and all I could wonder is how she got here.

Y/N: What the hell is this? How are you here?

Wanda: I don't know.

She seemed just as shocked as me. So I could tell that she wasn't doing this, whatever this is.

Y/N: Wait, can you see my surroundings? Because I can't see yours, I just see you.

Wanda: What is this?

I then heard my mum calling my name.

I turn to see mum down the end of the hall.

Natasha: Hey baby boy, are you okay?

I then turn around again to see that Wanda is gone.

Y/N: Yeah I'm okay. I uh, I just thought I saw something.

Mum and I then went back down the hall and left the area. And all I could think is how she and I are connected.

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