Chapter 28: The Safe House

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Y/N's P.O.V

After a long flight in the quinjet uncle Clint finally lands in a field with a house near by. And as soon as we got off the jet I knew where we were. It was uncle Clint's home where him and his family lives.

As we walk up to the house I still feel pretty light headed due the mind games Wanda played on me. I guess it affected me more than I thought.

Once we got inside uncle Clint started calling out to aunt Laura.

Clint: Honey. I'm home.

I then see a very pregnant aunt Laura come out. The past few days had be so crazy I'd completely forgotten she was pregnant.

Clint: Hi. I've got company. Sorry I didn't call ahead.

Aside from mum and I the other were so confused by what was happening.

Tony: This is an agent of some kind.

I chuckle at this comment from Tony.

Clint: Gentleman, this is my wife Laura.

Laura: I know all of your names.

Aunt Laura then looks at me.

Laura: Y/N, it's so good to see you again sweetie.

Y/N: Hi, aunt Laura.

She then goes to put her hand on my cheek, but I flich as a result. I then realise that the mind games were affected me mentally as well as physically.

She looked back at uncle Clint and he gave her signal and then she knew something serious happened.

We then hear footsteps coming our direction.

Clint: Oh, incoming.

Uncle Clint's son and daughter, Cooper and Lila coming running into the room. This made me light up a bit as those kids always knew how to put a smile on someone's face.

Tony: Okay, these are smaller agents.

Lila: Did you bring auntie Nat and cousin Y/N.

She then see me standing there.

Y/N: Well, give him a hug and you'll find out.

I then picked her up and hug her.

Steve: Sorry to barge in on you like this.

Tony: Yeah, we would have called ahead but we were busy having no idea that you existed.

Clint: Yeah, Fury helped me set this place up when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. We kept off of S.H.I.E.L.D's files.

After putting Lila back down I see Thor scanning the room it's obvious whatever he saw was affecting him too. Thor then left the room and Steve and I followed him.

Y/N: Thor, where are you going?

Thor: I need answers to that vision I saw, and I won't find them here.

Thor then took off to find answers whilst I headed back inside Steve walked off as well. Clearly we were all affected by the mind games.

(Hours Later)

After a few hours I decided to train in uncle Clint's barn as I needed to blow off some steam.

But after finishing my workout I felt a that same strange feeling again. The same feeling I felt when Wanda and I made our connection the first time.

I turn around to see Wanda standing there.

Y/N: I had a feeling you'd be showing up again.

I could tell by the look on her face that she felt bad about what she did to me.

Wanda: How are you after all of that?

Y/N: Well, aside from seeing my own personal hell play out in my mind everytime I close my eyes. I'm good. Thanks for making me see that by the way.

Wanda then looked down as if she was ashamed by what she did.

Wanda: You know, because of this connection we have I felt and saw what you felt and saw. So if it means anything I'm sorry I made you see that and, if I could take it back I would.

Y/N: Really? Even though its a part of yours and Ultron's evil plan.

Wanda: Yes, but I only did that as it was apart of our plan to destroy the Avengers.

Y/N: You do know Ultron doesn't care about you and your plans right? Because he wants to wipe out the entire human race, not just the Avengers. And once he gets what he wants from you and your brother he'll kill you. I can tell by the look in your eyes you know it's true.

Wanda: No Ultron just wants peace, that's it.

Y/N: No he doesn't Wanda. I just hope you realise that before he kills you. And even after what you did to me I don't want you to die.

I see Wanda look down with slightly red cheeks.

Y/N: So, why don't you join us? You and your brother both. Help us take down Ultron.

Before Wanda could reply our connection broke and Wanda was gone. I really did care about her, maybe in a romantic way even. And I can tell she wants to do the right thing, it's just Ultron was poisoning her mind. I had to find a way to help.

I was the pulled out of my thoughts by Lila's voice.

Lila: Y/N, what are doing?

I turn and look down at the little girl before kneeling down to her level.

Y/N: Oh, nothing sweetheart. I was just thinking.

Lila: Oh, okay.

I can tell by the look on her face that she was bored.

Y/N: Hey, Lila, you wanna see something cool?

She nodded excitedly.

Y/N: Okay then, come on.

I take her outside and go over to a tree outside the back of the house and I use my web shooters to make a swing out of the webs.

Lila: Wow! That's so cool.

I pick her up and put her on the swing.

Lila: Do you think daddy will let me keep it?

Y/N: Sorry sweetheart. This stuff is like real spider webs, so this swing will be gone in about an hour or so.

Lila: (Sadly) Oh, okay

Y/N: But don't worry. As long as its here I'll be here to push you on it.

Lila: Okay, thanks Y/N.

Y/N: You're welcome.

I then start thinking about Wanda again and I realise I must feel a romantic connection towards her as I can't stop thinking about that beautiful girl.

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