Chapter 43: The Devil of Hell's Kitchen & The Spider of Queens

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Y/N's P.O.V

After myself, Cap and our team suit up and get into position Steve and I run out into the open and make a run for the chopper that uncle Clint got for us.

As we get close enough the chopper gets disabled Cap and I then look up to see Tony and Rhodey flying down in their suits. They then land inbetween us and the chopper.

Tony: Isn't fun how you run into people at the airport? Don't you think that's weird?

Rhodey: Definitely weird.

Steve: Tony listen to me. The doctor he's behind all of this.

Cap and I then turn to see the Black Panther jump in on our left.

T'challa: Scarlet, Captain.

I nod to him.

Y/N: Your highness.

???: Hey Scarlet, long time no see.

I turn to my right and see Matt Murdock a.k.a Daredevil standing there. Tony obviously got Matt on his side as extra back-up.

Y/N: Matt, it's good to see you again, even given the circumstances.

He nods to me.

Matt: You too.

I then turn back to Tony.

Tony: Ross gave me thirty-six hrs to bring you in. That was twenty-four hrs ago, so can you guys help a brother out?

Y/N: You're after the wrong guy.

Tony: Your judgement is askew kid. Your old man killed innocent people yesterday.

Y/N: He didn't, but there are five more super soldiers just like him.

Steve: Y/N's right. We can't let the doctor find 'em first Tony.

Out of the corner of my eye I see mum come in.

Natasha: Y/N, Steve, you two know what's about to happen here. Do you really wanna punch your way outta this one?

Y/N: Only if we have to.

Tony shakes his head.

Tony: Alright, I've run outta patience. Undroos.

My spider sense then goes off as webs shoot down and bind mine and Cap's hands together. We then look up to see a kid in red & blue spandex holding Cap's shield.

Tony: Nice job kid.

???: Thanks. I coulda stuck the landing better, but ya know new suit. But it's perfect Mr. Stark thank you.

Tony nods to this.

???: Hi guys, I'm a big fan, I'm Spider-Man.

My spider sense then went off again as I realise that this kid is the spider that I heard about.

He then looks at me intensely.

Y/N & Spider-Man: You're like me.

Steve: You've been busy.

Tony then goes on to say how us doing this is gonna tear the Avengers apart.

I sigh.

Y/N: You did that when you signed Tony.

Tony: Alright I'm done. You're gonna turn Barnes over to us now! Because it's us! Come on guys.

We then hear Sam come over the comms.

Sam: We found their quinjet. Hanger five North runway.

Once we hear this Steve and I raise our hands up and Clint's arrows break through the webbing.

The other team is shocked by this.

Y/N: Alright Lang, you're up.

Lang then grows big and kicks Spider-Man in the face and joins us.

Scott: I believe this is yours Captain America.

We then look up to see Tony fly off in one direction and I turn to see the Black Panther run off to one of the terminals.

I look to Steve.

Y/N: I'll get the king.

He nods to me and heads off to deal with Rhodey.

I manage to catch up with the King and shoot webbing at his feet so he falls over. I then jump infront of him.

After getting the webbing off T'challa stands up.

T'challa: Move Scarlet, I won't ask a second time.

Y/N: I'm sorry your highness, but I can't do that.

T'challa then charges at me then jumps in the air to kick me but I manage to block all of the kicks due to my enhanced reflexes.

Wanda's P.O.V

Clint and I are running through the airport when explosions start getting closer to us. When we stop running we see Tony fly up closer to us and stop.

Tony: Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings.

Wanda: You locked me in my room. So you could keep me away from the man I love.

Tony: First of all: that's an exaggeration and second: I did that to protect you.

I shake my head as I knew it was impossible to make Tony see anyone else way other than his own.

Tony: Hey Clint.

Clint: Hey man.

Tony: Retirement clearly doesn't suit. You got tired of shooting golf?

Clint: Well, I played eighteen, shot eighteen. Nowadays I just can't seem to miss.

Clint shoots arrows at Tony but he shoots them down.

Tony: Well, first time for everything.

I see Clint smirk.

Clint: Made you look.

Tony then turns to see cars coming out of the parking lot trying to crush him, after evading a few of them he finally gets crushed underneath them.

Clint: Come on, let's get to the other's and get to that quinjet.

I nod and we leave Tony on the ground.

Y/N's P.O.V

After knocking the Panther away I see Rhodey flying towards me, but I jump up and kick sending him flying to the ground breaking his baton.

Scott: Hey Scarlet, heads up!

Lang throws my a small disc. Then he shows me a small truck.

Scott: Throw it at this. Now!

He throws the truck and I throw the disc, as they make contact the truck grows big and makes an explosion that hits a few of Tony's team mates.

I give him a dirty look.

Scott: Ah man I thought it was a water truck. Sorry.

I shake my head.

Y/N: Forget it. Let's just catch up to Cap and the other's.

Scott nods and he and I go off to find the others so we can get to the quinjet.

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