Chapter 48: Going To Wakanda

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Y/N's P.O.V

After a long flight we finally make it to the Raft super-max prison.

Once sneaking on to the Raft we manage to find where the government was holding the other's.

As I'm crawling through the air vents I find the commutation room.

I break through the vent and land on the ground and take down two of the guards.

Then mum, Steve and Pietro break through the double doors behind me to help me take down the rest of the guards.

I go over to one of the guards and grab the key card.

Y/N: You guys stay here and keep an eye out. Steve and I go and get the other's out.

Natasha: Will do.

I nod and use the key card to open the door. Steve and I walk in to see our people in their cell's.

I immediately go over to Wanda's cell and open the door to see her sitting on the floor in a straight jacket with some sort of collar around her neck. All I could think is that it's my fault that this happened to her.

Wanda: Y/N?

I go over and kneel down infront of her.

Y/N: Hey babe, you okay?

She nods to me.

Y/N: Okay, good, let's get you outta here.

I use the keys that Steve gave me to take the collar off her neck. I then take off the straight jacket.

Y/N: I can't believe those fuckers put a collar on you like your some sort of wild animal.

As soon as the jacket comes off she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight.

I lift her up as I stand to my feet.

Y/N: (Whispsers) Wanda, I'm so sorry I left you behind.

Wanda: (Whispers) It's okay handsome, you came back for me that's what matters.

Y/N: (Whispers) I'll always come back for you beautiful.

Wanda: (Whispers) I'm never letting you go again.

I smile at this.

Y/N: (Whipsers) Sounds good to me.

Wanda chuckles a bit.

We then pull away and leave the cell room with the other's and get back on the quinjet and head to Wakanda.

(The next day)


The following day we are in Wakanda, once we get there Steve and I tell the other's what happened in Siberia with Tony.

After that I go to see dad who's being prepped to go back into cryo sleep again.

I walk over to dad after looking at the cryo pod.

Y/N: Are you sure about this?

Dad looks up at me.

Bucky: I can't trust my own mind kiddo. So, until they can find a way to get this shit out of my head I think going back under is the best thing. For everyone.

I nod sadly seeing as I just got my dad in my life and now he's going again.

Bucky: Hey, this isn't gonna be the last time we see each other. I promise.

Y/N: I know.

Dad nods to me.

Two Wakandan doctors come over and help dad into the pod.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now