Chapter 56: The Aftermath

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(Upstate New York)

(Two weeks after the Snap)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since we lost against Thanos. Its also been two weeks since half of the world's population got snapped out of existence.

The teams morale is at an all time low, which is not surprising as we did just lose our friends and family a couple weeks ago.

Since the battle at Wakanda everyone that was left came back to the Avengers compound so we could hopefully locate Thanos.

Whilst the other's have been doing that I've mostly been comforting Wanda as she's having a rough time given she had to kill Vision.

Right now I'm sat at the table with dad, Rhodey and the raccoon named Rocket.

I'm currently cleaning a pistol, which is helping with relaxing a bit.

Bucky: Hey Y/N. I'm sorry about your friends, I didn't know them that well obviously but they seemed like good people and friends.

I nod.

Y/N: They were, thanks dad.

I then see Rhodey looking around.

Rhodey: So, where's Wanda?

Y/N: She's asleep. Out of any of us here she needs it.

Rhodey: She's not doing to good huh?

Y/N: Can you blame her? She did have to essentially kill Vision.

Rhodey: Yeah, that's true.

Y/N: So, Rocket you found anything on Thanos yet?

Rocket: Nope, nothing yet. He's a lot harder to find then I thought he'd be.

I nod.

My spider sense then goes off and I realise that someone we don't know is in the compound.

Bucky: Hey kiddo, you okay?

Y/N: Huh? Oh yeah, it's something doesn't feeling right.

Rocket: What do you mean?

Y/N: I don't know, it just feels like...

I then feel that the person is behind me.

I quickly grab the pistol, stand up and turn to the person with the pistol pointed at her.

Y/N: Like we're being watched.

Dad, Rocket and Rhodey pick up their pistols and point them at her.

She puts her hands up.

Y/N: Who are you? And what the hell are doing here?

???: My name is Carol Danvers and I'm looking for Nick Fury.

We lower our weapons.

Y/N: Well, Carol Nick Fury is dusted much like the rest of the universe.

She seems to tear up at this. She and Fury must have been close.

(Three days later)

We explained to Carol and what happened in Wakanda. After that Pepper showed up to tell us what happened to Tony so Carol the decides to leave to go and find him.

And after three days of waiting we start to feel the compound shake.

Myself, Steve, mum, Wanda, Pietro, Rhodey, Bruce and Pepper walk outside to see Carol to touch down with a space ship.

Once the ramp of the space ship lowers we see Tony weakly walk out with a blue lady.

Steve and I run over help him out.

Tony: I couldn't stop him.

Steve: Neither could we.

Tony looks at me with tears in his eyes.

Tony: Y/N, I lost the kid.

When he says this I then know that Peter must have told him about our connection and friendship, or he figured out himself.

I do my best to fight back the tears.

Y/N: I know, I felt it.

Tony: Is Pepper...

Pepper then runs over and hugs Tony.

I then decide to run back to the compound and warn dad that Tony's back as I don't think it's a good idea for Tony to see him right now.

Dad then leaves the room.

Bruce then comes in and I help him set everything up so he can help Tony.

(A/N: So this was a shorter chapter as I just wanted to show a small part of the aftermath and Captain Marvel showing up. Also I will be doing a prologue for Endgame, I'm just gonna do it before showing the Avengers after the time jump if you understand what I mean, but if you don't you'll see what I mean when I do it. I'm doing this as I feel like that would make more sense.)

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