Chapter 70: Avengers... Assemble!

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Y/N's P.O.V

After a minute or so Steve and I manage to get to our knees.

Thanos: In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter it was never personal. But I'll tell you this, what I'm going to do to your stubborn annoying little planet I'm going to enjoy it. Very, very much.

We then see a beam come from Thanos' ship and when the beam disappears we see Thanos' army.

We see the alien army that we fought back in Wakanda in 2018, and the Chitauri alien army that the original Avengers fought back in New York in 2012.

Steve looks to me.

Steve: Are you ready for this?

I nod and stand to my feet.

Y/N: If I'm gonna go down fighting, there's no one else I'd rather go down fighting with.

Steve smiles then stands with me.

Steve: Likewise. Now, let's do this.

We then turn to face the alien army and we start walking forward.

As we do we both hear a voice we hadn't hear in three years.

Sam: Cap, Scarlet. It's Sam.

Sam: Cap, Scarlet. It's Sam, can you hear me? On your left.

(A/N: Just putting this here to add to the effect. Also becuase it's an amazing soundtrack.)

Third person prospective

Y/N and Steve look to the left and see a portal open up and we see T'challa, Okoye and Shuri come out of it.

T'challa nods to them.

The two then see Sam fly out of the same portal.

Another portal opens up and Dr. Strange along with Drax, Star-Lord, Mantis and Peter Parker a.k.a Spider-Man come out of it.

Steve and Y/N smile as they see their friends return to help.

T'challa: YIAMBE!

Wakandan's: YIAMBE!

This chant continues as the Wakandan armies come out of the portal.

As this happens more portals start to open up around Y/N and Steve.

Groot, Frank Castle and the Defender's show up as they walk out of the portal from Wakanda.

The Asgardian army along with Valkyrie and Korg show up as a portal connected to New Asgard is also there.

Y/N then sees Wanda land on the ground along with Natasha, Bucky, 2014 Gamora and 2021 Nebula.

Wong and other ancient warriors show up from portals that connect to different parts of the world.

Even the Ravengers came to help in the fight.

The wasp also appears to join the fight.

Seeing this allows Thor to get his second wind and call Stormbreaker to him. Tony gets up and sees Pepper show up in her Rescue armour.

Dr. Strange looks to Wong.

Stephen: Is that everyone?

Wong: What, you wanted more?

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