Chapter 37: The Sokovia Accords

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(Upstate New York)

(Two weeks later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Lagos, and the whole team is feeling pretty guilty about what happened, including me. Wanda has had it the worst as the news outlets keep painting her as a villain.

I go over to mine and Wanda's room to check on her and I see that she's watching anther news report about what happened in Lagos.

News reporter: What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeria?

After hearing this I immediately switch off the TV.

Wanda: It's my fault.

Y/N: No. It's really not.

Wanda: Turn the TV back on, they're being very specific.

I walk over to her and sit next to her on the bed.

Y/N: I shoulda clocked that bomb straight away, but I didn't. Rumlow said my dad's name, and all of a sudden I was that sixteen year old kid again looking for his father. People died and that's on me.

Wanda: It's on both of us.

I nod.

Y/N: If there's one thing I've learn from this superhero gig is that you can't save everyone. And if we don't find a way to live with that then maybe next time no one gets saved.

I put my arm around her and kiss her cheek. She then leans into my neck and wraps her arms around me.

Then Vision decides to phase through the wall.

Wanda: Vis, we talk about this.

Y/N: Yeah, come on man, how many times do we have to go over this?

Vision: Well, the door was open so I assumed... anyway Captain Rogers wanted Mr. Romanoff to know that Mr. Stark was here.

Y/N: Okay, thanks. We'll be right down.

Vision: I'll use the door this time.

Vision then walks to the door and turns around.

Vision: Oh and apparently he's brought a guest.

Y/N: Who is it?

Vision: The secretary of the state. Thaddeus Ross.

He then walks out.

Wanda then looks at me very worried.

Y/N: Hey, what's wrong?

Wanda: What if the reason he's here is to arrest me and take me away for what happened in Lagos.

Wanda then started hyperventilating and tearing up.

I then cup Wanda's face in my hands.

Y/N: Hey, Wanda look at me. Look at me. Breathe okay, just breathe.

Wanda and I start breathing to help her calm down.

Y/N: Okay Wanda listen to me. I am not gonna let anyone take you away from me okay? If they want you they go through me first.

She starts shaking her head.

Wanda: No, no I'm not letting you get hurt because of me.

Y/N: Hey, hey. You remember what we always say. Your fight, is my fight.

She then starts to nod agreeing with me.

Y/N: Okay, now let's go and see what Ross wants.

After heading downstairs myself and my fellow Avengers sat infront on Ross.

He went on to explain how many people now see the Avengers as a threat given how many innocent people have died during the battles in New York, Washington, Sokovia and Lagos.

Ross also tells us about the Sokovia accords and how where the Avengers are allowed to go will be decided by a UN panel and that the UN will be meeting in Vienna to agree to the accords.

Ross then leaves so that we can talk it over in private.

Natasha: And of we come to a decision that you don't like?

Ross: Then you retire.

Ross then leaves the compound.

(Cleveland, April, 2016)

Third personprospective

A Sokovian man known as Baron Zemo attacks and interrogates an ex-HYDRA agent that is residing in Cleveland as he has information on a HYDRA mission that happened in December of 1991.

After interrogating the man for some time Zemo finds what he is looking for hidden behind a wall. It was a red book with a black star on it.

As Zemo flipped through the book he found information on James Buchanan Barnes a.k.a the Winter Soldier, this information includes Barnes family tree.

Zemo: Interesting.

With this new information Zemo kills the HYDRA agent and leaves so he can execute the next phase of his plan.

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