Chapter 68: Everyone Comes Home

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(Upstate New York, 2021)

Y/N's P.O.V

As we all come back to the compound we all deactivate out time travel suits.

Bruce: Did we get them all?

Y/N: We did it.

Rhodey: Are you telling me this actually worked?

We then see mum drop to her knees.

Bruce: Nat, where's Clint?

She stays silent, but by the look on her face we couldn't tell that the worst outcome of this mission just happened. Clint was dead.

We all seem to come to the realisation at the same time. Bruce also drops to him knees.

(Ten minutes later)

We all go off to grieve over the lose of Clint. Myself and the rest of the original Avengers are sitting outside near the lake.

Tony: When we bring his family back, what do we tell them?

Steve: We tell them truth.

Thor: I'm sorry, what's going on?

Tony: I was just asking a question.

Thor: You're saying this like he's dead. We have the stones right? We can bring him back. So stop this shit we're the Avengers! Get it together!

Natasha: It can't be undone.

Thor looks to mum and chuckles.

Thor: No offence Natasha, but you are a very earthly being, this is space magic we're talking about here.

Natasha: Okay, I know I'm way outside my pay grade here. But Clint's still not here is he?

Thor: Yes, but that's my point...

Natasha: It can't be undone! Or that's at least what the floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him then? Go grab your hammer and go find and talk to him! It was suppose to be me. Clint gave his life for that god damn stone, he bet his life on it.

Bruce then grabs and throws a bench.

Bruce: We can't get him back. We have to make it worth it.

Cap and I look at each other and nod.

Y/N: And we will. So let's bring everybody back.

We all then head inside.

(Twenty minutes later)

After twenty minutes or so we finally have a gauntlet with the stones in it made by Tony, Bruce and Rocket.

We're all now in the main room with the gauntlet laid down on the work bench infront of us.

Rocket: Okay, the gauntlet is ready, the question is who's gonna snap their fricking fingers.

Thor walks up to it.

Thor: I'll do it.

We all push him back.

Steve: Hold on Thor, we haven't decided who's gonna do it yet.

Thor: Oh I'm sorry are we just gonna sit around waiting for the right opportunity.

Scott: We should at least discuss it.

Thor: No, sitting here staring at the thing isn't gonna bring everyone back. Now, I'm the strongest Avenger, so this responsibility falls on me.

Tony: No, no. It's not just the fact that the gauntlet has enough power to light up a continent. There's also the fact that you're not in the best condition.

Thor: But I have lighting coursing through my veins.

Bruce: Lighting won't help you pal. It's gotta be me. We saw what the stones did to Thanos, they almost killed him.

Y/N: How do we know that won't happen to you?

Bruce: We don't, but the radiation is mostly gamma. It's like I was born for this.

With that we decide to let Bruce to snap his fingers.

Bruce has the gauntlet in his hands.

Tony: Alright, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away three years ago  you bring them to here today. Don't change anything in the last three years.

Bruce: Got it. Everybody comes home.

Tony and I activate our nano-tech suits and I put my arm infront of Wanda to keep her safe from anything that could happen.

(A/N: Just for anyone who has forgotten what the suit looks like

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(A/N: Just for anyone who has forgotten what the suit looks like.)

Tony: Friday. Do me a favour and activate barn door protocol.

Friday: Yes boss.

Then all of the windows around the compound get covered by metal shutters.

Bruce then puts on the gauntlet and falls to one knee in pain as the power of the stones rushes up his body.

Thor: Take it off! Take it off!

Y/N: No wait! Bruce are you okay?!

Bruce then groans.

Bruce: Yeah... I'm good.

I nod and we allow him to continue.

Bruce then stands to his feet and after a bit of a struggle Bruce manages to snap his fingers.

He then falls to the floor in pain. We all then rush over to him.

Steve: Bruce!

Once the gauntlet falls off Bruce's hand dad goes over and kicks it away.

Tony: Don't move him.

Tony then uses a spray to help Bruce's brunt arm.

Bruce: Did it work?

Wanda: We're not sure yet.

Third person prospective

The other Avengers then start to look around and we hear birds chirping.

Y/N's spider sense then starts going haywire.

He then turn to see Scott standing near a window.

Y/N: Everybody get!...

Before he could finish 2014 Thanos uses his ship to blow the Avengers Compound to bits.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now