Chapter 32: The Battle Begins

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Y/N's P.O.V

As we make our way to Sokovia in the quinjet, Steve makes one of his famous Captain America speeches.

Steve: Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. That's what we signed up for, the people of Sokovia didn't, so our first priority is getting them out. All they want to do is live their lives in peace, and that's not gonna happen today. But we can do whatever it takes to protect them. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and clear the people out. We keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monster's, this isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right or not.

So after hearing that we make it to Sokovia, once we're out of the quinjet Wanda and I head off to evacuate as many poeple as we can.

Natasha's P.O.V

As I'm sitting in my cell waiting for the other's to show up I hear Bruce's voice.

Bruce: Natasha! Natasha!

Natasha: Bruce?!

I see Bruce come round the corner.

Bruce: Hey, you alright?

Natasha: Yeah.

Bruce: The other's are in the city. It's about to light up.

Natasha: Is Y/N with you? Is he okay?

Bruce: Yeah he's fine, he's with the other's.

Natasha: So I'm guessing you didn't find the key just laying around.

Bruce: Actually I did.

He then uses the gun he has to blast the lock off.

Bruce helps me get the door open.

Natasha: So, what's the play?

Bruce: I'm here to get you to safety.

Natasha: The job's not finished.

Bruce: We can help with the evacuation, but I can't be in a fight with so many civilians around. Besides you've done more than enough.

Natasha: I know, but if my son's up there, then I need to be up there too.

Bruce nods his head.

Bruce: Okay, let's go.

Y/N's P.O.V

We continue to evacuate the civilians whilst Tony and Vision deal with Ultron. We then see Ultron's bot's climbing up and coming out of the ground.

I shot my taser webs at the bot's to deactivate them, whilst Wanda puts up a shield to protect the civilians behind her.

Wanda: Go! Run!

As more Ultron bot's come out of the ground we start to feel the ground shake like there's an earthquake, it almost feels like the ground is start to float up.

Y/N: What the fuck is happening?

Clint: No idea kid.

We then hear Ultron giving a speech through his bot's.

Ultron: Do you see? The beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, to the fall. You, Avengers you are my meteor. The earth will crack with the weight of all your failures. Disconnect me.from your computers, turn my own against me. It doesn't matter. Because once the dust settles the only thing living on this planet, will be metal.

This section of Sokovia continues to lift off and float higher into the sky.

Cap then comes over the comms.

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