Chapter 51: Attack On New York

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(Several hours earlier)

(Manhattan, New York)

Tony's P.O.V

After going on a jog with Pepper and guy named Stephen Strange shows up along with Bruce who was thought to be dead.

I go with Strange and Bruce back to Strange's base of operations both he and Bruce tell me about Thanos and the six infinite stones. Space, Power, Mind, Time, Reality and Soul. As we continue to talk about what to do Bruce asks me where Vision.

Bruce: Right, well we know where the time stone is. Thanos already has the power and space stones, and the mind stone is with Vision. So where is he Tony?

Tony: Yeah, that's the thing.

Bruce: Wait, what?

Tony: A week ago Vision turned off his transponder, he's offline.

I walk away with my head down.

Bruce: What!? You lost another super bot Tony.

I look back at him.

Tony: No, he's more than that now. He's evolving Bruce.

Stephen: Who could find Vision?

I sigh.

Tony: Y/N Romanoff or Steve Rogers could.

Strange sighs in annoyance.

Tony: Maybe.

Bruce: Call one of 'em

I turn to Bruce.

Tony: It's not that simple.

Bruce looks confused by this.

Tony: Oh, right. We haven't probably caught you up to speed. The Avengers broke up, we're toast.

Bruce: What? Broke up like a band? Like The Beatles?

Tony: Cap, Y/N and I fell out hard. I'm not on speaking terms with either of them.

Bruce: Tony, Thor's gone and Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're on speaking terms with.

After thinking for a moment I realise that Bruce maybe right about that.

So I turn away and pull out the flip phone that Steve sent to me two years ago. I open it up and see both Steve and Y/N's numbers come up on screen.

As I'm about to call Y/N when I feel a gust of wind and I look around as I have a bad feeling something's about to happen.

I look over and I see that Strange's hair is moving on its own.

Tony: Hey Doc, you would happen to be moving your hair right now would ya?

He looks just as confused as I am.

Stephen: Not at the moment, no.

After opening the front door we see people screaming and running away. After having Friday notifying the first responders of what's happening myself and the other's go around the corner and see a space ship floating above Manhattan.

Peter's P.O.V

As I'm on my way back home from a school trip I feel my spider sense go off. I turn to look out of the bus window and see an alien space ship in the air.

Realising that I need to do something I turn to Ned and tap his face.

Peter: Hey man, I need you to create a distraction.

He nods.

Ned: Oh my god! We're all gonna die!

As everyone on the bus moves to look out of the window I use this time to attach my web shooters to my wrists and climb out of the bus and web swing under the bridge to get to the area where the space ship is.

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