Chapter 29: The Plan

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Y/N's P.O.V

So after finding out from Tony that Nick Fury was here we decided to regroup and come up with a plan to take down Ultron, though Tony and I are playing darts at the same time.

Nick Fury: Ultron took you guys out of play to buy himself time. All my contacts tell me he's building something. Given all the vibranium he got away with I don't think it's just for one thing.

Steve: What about Ultron himself?

Nick Fury: Oh, he's everywhere right now. That guy multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. But it still doesn't help us get an angle on him.

Y/N: I'm guessing he's still going after launch codes. Right?

Nick Fury: Yes he is, there's only one problem.

Tony: I don't get how that's a problem as I cracked the Pentagon's firewall on a dare.

Nick Fury: Well I talked to some friends at the nexus about that.

Steve: Nexus?

Bruce: Its an hub in Oslo. Every bite of data runs through there.

Clint: So what'd they say?

Nick Fury: They say that the launch codes are constantly changing.

Y/N: By who?

Uncle Clint then throws 3 darts that all hit the bullseye. I turn back and give him a "really" look.

Nick Fury: No one knows.

Natasha: So we have an ally?

Nick Fury: No, Ultron has an enemy that's not the same thing. But I'd pay good money to find out who it is.

Tony: I might have to visit Oslo and have a look.

Natasha: No offence boss, but when I saw you I thought you'd have more to offer.

Nick Fury: I do. I have you guys. Back in the day I have eyes everywhere, and ears everywhere else. You kids had all the tech in the world, but here we all with only are wit and will to save the world. Ultron says that the Avengers are the only thing between him and his goal, and we all know his goal is global destruction. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard.

Y/N: Sorry Nick, but Cap doesn't like that kind of talk.

Steve: (Smiling) You know what Romanoff.

I smirk at him.

Nick Fury: So what does he want?

After a bit more talking we figured out that Ultron wants to build a body with the help of Dr. Cho. So our next stop is Korea to stop Ultron, we all Steve, mum uncle Clint and I suit to head to Korea.

Wanda's P.O.V

Pietro and I were in Korea with Ultron as he got the help he needed to build a new body. But as we were standing there I realised I could read the android body's mind or the things that were going on in Ultron's mind and into the body.

I then walk up to the cradle and put my hands to see what was going on inside the android's head and, as I made contact with it I saw the earth getting hit with a asteroid.

Wanda: Ahhhh!

I then back away due to the pain I was feeling. Pietro grabbed me to stop me falling over and Ultron stood up.

Wanda: How could you?

Ultron: How could I what?

Wanda: You said we'd destroy the Avengers. Make a better world.

Ultron: And it will be better I promise.

Wanda: You mean when everyone is dead.

Ultron That is not... The human race will have every opportunity to be better.

Pietro: And if they don't?

Ultron: Well ask Noah.

Wanda: (Whispers) Y/N was right, right about everything. You're a mad man!

Ultron: There have been more than a dozen extinction level events, where even the dinosaurs got there. When the world starts settling God decides to throw a stone at it, and believe me he's winding up. We have to evolve.

Pietro: And who decides who weak?

Ultron: Life does.

As the two are talking I use my powers to release the mind control on Dr. Cho.

Ultron: Its the quinjet, we have incoming.

Dr. Cho: That won't be a problem.

The doctor then interrupts the download process. And Ultron blasts her.

Before he can get us Pietro picks me up and we run out of the room.

(Seoul, South Korea)

Y/N's P.O.V

Steve and I get off the quinjet and on to the highway and see Dr. Cho's lab.

Steve: Two minutes. Alright Y/N you get in there amd check in on Dr. Cho. I'll keep an eye out for Ultron from here.

Y/N: Okay, I'm on it.

I then web swing over to the lab.

Once I get inside I see most of the workers are dead I then see Dr. Cho on the ground still breathing.

Y/N: Dr. Cho! are you okay?

Dr. Cho: Ultron's uploading himself into the body.

Y/N: Where?

Dr. Cho: The real power is inside the cradle, the gem its power is can't be contained. So you can't just blow it up. You need to get it to Stark.

Y/N: First I have to find it.

Dr. Cho: Go.

I then leave the lab to go and find Steve and let the others know what's happening.

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