Chapter 41: The Escape

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Y/N's P.O.V

After dealing with the fallout of people finding out I'm the son of the Winter Soldier, we watch the interview that on the security cameras.

Steve then brings up a point.

Steve: Why would the task force put out this picture in the first place?

Sharon: To get the word out, involve as many people as we can?

Steve: Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding.

Y/N: Steve's right. Set off a bomb get your picture taken. Suddenly everyone is looking for the Winter Soldier.

Sharon looks at me.

Sharon: You're saying someone framed him to find him?

Sam: Guys, we looked for him for two years and came up with nothing.

Y/N: Yeah, but we didn't bomb the UN. Something like that is bound to turn some heads.

Sharon: Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that who ever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.

We all look at each other realising that something is wrong.

Steve: Yeah.

After a few minutes the lights went out and we heard that dad had escaped his cell.

I look to Sharon.

Sharon: Sub-level five, East wing.

Y/N: Thank you Sharon. Come on guys.

With that Steve, Sam and I run out of the office to find dad before something bad happens.

Once we make it to my dad's last known location we find guards laying on the ground knocked out. I then look over and see the guy interviewing dad on the ground calling for help.

I go over to him pick him up and throw him against the wall.

Y/N: Who are you? What do you want?

???: To see an empire fall.

My spider sense then goes off.

Y/N: Sam watch out!

Before Sam could react my dad had taken him down and knocked him out.

Dad then starts attacking me but I back up. As I'm dodging his punches and kicks I get backed up against the elevator and dad punches me through it sending me to the bottom.

After a couple of seconds I hear Steve.

Steve: Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay!?

Y/N: Yeah! I'm fine! Get after that asshole! I'll get dad!

Steve: Okay! We're on it!

I then take off my jacket and climb up the cables to get back to the floor I was on.

(Five minutes later)

I finally managed to catch up to dad as I saw him taking off in a helicopter. I run up to the helicopter and hang on to the bottom of it and try to drag it back down.

After a minute of pulling I manage to bring it down, but it crashes on the helipad and the helicopter goes off the edge and into the water.

I then jump in and save my dad from drowning, just like he had done for me two years back. I swim us away and once I get to shore I manage to catch up with Steve and Sam.

(Two hours later)

We find an abandoned warehouse to buy ourselves some time. I'm keeping a look out and I see a chopper flying around looking for us.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now