Chapter 60: A Second Chance

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

The next morning Wanda and I our in bed watching TV. She's got her head resting on my shoulder and I have my arm wrapped around her.

As we're laying there we're talking about how I asked Pietro for permission to ask Wanda to marry me.

Wanda: So, you really asked Pietro for permission?

I smile at this.

Y/N: Yeah, I was being a gentleman.

She looks up at me and pecks me on the lips.

Wanda: Well, that's very cute.

We then hear tip taping on the floor and see Lucky run into the room. He starts jumping up on his back legs trying to join Wanda and I on the bed.

Y/N: Alright, boy come on up.

I pick him up and he starts licking Wanda's face then curls up inbetween us.

Y/N: Now all we have to do is talk about whether we want to have kids.

Wanda looks down at Lucky.

Wanda: We should probably wait until this one can handle the news.

I chuckle at this.

(Several hours later)

After getting out of bed Wanda and I along with Lucky go to the compound and tell mum and dad that we're engaged.

Obviously both of them were very happy.

Later on that evening Wanda and I walk in on mum and dad on call with the other Avengers, or whats left of them. We also find out from Rhodey that uncle Clint has been killing all criminals ever since his family was dusted.

Once the call ends I see tears run down mum's face.

Steve: You know I'd offer to cook dinner, but Nat already seems depressed enough.

We turn around to see Steve standing there.

Bucky: You here to do your laundry?

Steve: And to see my friends.

Natasha: Well, your friends are fine.

As we continue to talk with Steve an alarm goes off and we see security camera footage of the front door and see Scott Lang standing there.

Y/N: Is this old footage?

Natasha: No, it's the front gate.

Once we get Scott inside he starts pacing around.

Y/N: Scott, are you okay?

Scott: Yeah, yeah it's just... have any of you studied quantum theory?

We all look at each other in confusion.

Natasha: Only to make conversation.

Scott then goes on to explain that before Thanos showed up that he was in a place called the quantum realm. And that he was there for three hours, even though for us it was three years.

He then says that there maybe a way to use the quantum realm to travel through time before Thanos.

Y/N: Wait Scott are you talking about building a time machine?

Scott: No, no not a time machine. Well, I guess yeah a time machine.

We then realise that we need someone with a big brain to help build a time machine. We need Tony Stark or Bruce Banner.

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