Chapter 33: The Battle of Sokovia

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Y/N's P.O.V

After heading through the city I finally make it to the church and see Cap and the other's. I then see Wanda come in.

I go over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Are you alright?

She puts her hand on my side.

Wanda: I'm fine.

I get on the comms to see where mum is.

Y/N: Hey mum, you and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini."

Natasha: Relax, spider baby. Not all of us can web swing.

Y/N: God, I hate that nickname.

I see mum come in and come over to me and Tony.

Natasha: So what's the drill?

Tony points at the core.

Tony: This is. If Ultron makes contact with it we lose.

Hulk then comes busting in. We then all look to see Ultron floating in the air outside the church.

Thor: Is that the best you can do?!

Ultron then summons his army of robot's that start coming towards us.

I look at Thor.

Y/N: You had to ask?

Ultron: This is just the way I wanted it. All of you, against all of me. Who do hope to win?

Y/N: Like the old man said.

Cap and I look at each other.

Y/N: Together.

Hulk then roars as Ultron's forces come at us.

Third person prospective

The battle starts and all of the heroes use their strongest attacks to keep the robot's at bay.

Captain America uses his shield to tear through them, Black Widow uses her guns and other weapons to take them down, Hulk is ripping them apart with his bare hands, Scarlet Spider is using his Venom blast on the ground and his webs to tear them up.

Scarlet Witch is tearing them in half with her abilities. Over head Vision is fighting Ultron one on one.

(A/N: Just imagine Y/N is fighting with the Avengers

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(A/N: Just imagine Y/N is fighting with the Avengers.)

Y/N's P.O.V

After taking down the majority of Ultron's bot's, I see Vision knock Ultron outside. Myself along with Vision, Tony and Thor hit Ultron with our electrical/beam attacks to tear through his armor. Once he's had enough, he starts talking again.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now