Chapter 47: Father & Son Team Up

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Y/N's P.O.V

After getting up I see Tony take dad down to the ground and step on his metal arm. Tony is about to shot him, but I shoot my webbing at his head to knock his aim off.

Steve then runs at Tony and tackles him to the ground. Tony flies back and hits Steve then shots binds that attach to Steve's ankles.

Tony then takes dad and flies him into a wall and after shooting a missile and missing Tony ends up bring part of the structure down on top of him. I run along and catch up to dad.

Dad looks at me.

Y/N: Dad, get out of here. Steve and I will deal with this.

Dad nods and start running.

Tony tries to shot dad but misses and I jump infront of Tony.

Tony then starts to take off the ground.

Y/N: Tony, it wasn't his fault. HYDRA had control of his mind.

Tony: Move!

Tony then takes off and I grab his leg.

Y/N: It wasn't him!

I then punch Tony's jet boot until it breaks. And Tony lands on the ground.

Steve then catches up to me as Tony stops us by bring down some of the building infront of us.

Steve and I manage to find a way round and start climbing up to catch up to dad. Steve sees Tony is about to blast dad, so we jump and Cap deflects the shot with his shield and Tony falls back down.

Steve and I look at dad.

Steve: He's not gonna stop.

Y/N: Yeah, no shit. Go dad.

Dad nods and continues to climb up to the exit above. As we see Tony start to come back up Steve grabs wire from his front pouch then he and I both jump and I shoot my web out whilst Steve shoots out the wire, both wrap around Tony's neck and bring him down with us.

As we get up we see Tony is about to shoot another missile. Steve throws his shield, but Tony blasts it sending it down to the bottom of the building.

Tony fires off the missile and it brings the exit down leaving dad trapped here with us and Tony.

Tony flies up to him and the two of them fight.

They both then tumble back down Steve and I both jump to help dad, but the four of us land at the bottom of the building.

I stand up to see Tony stand and look down at me from an elevated position.

Y/N: Tony, killing him isn't gonna change what happened.

Tony: I don't care. He killed my mum.

Tony then flies down to me and we both start fighting.

Bucky's P.O.V

I look down to see Y/N and Tony fighting. I look to my left and see that Steve is out cold from the fall.

(A/N: Now I know he's Captain America so that probably wouldn't happen but just go with it.)

As I continue to watch the fight I see Tony pin Y/N to the ground and start to beat him down. As he's father it's my job to protect him so I have to do something. I also promised Nat I'd protect him, I can't let her down.

I then look around and see Steve's shield laying on the ground.

I grab the shield and jump down bring it down on Tony's back. He the shoots a repulsor blast at me, but I deflect it.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now