Chapter 54: The Battle of Wakanda

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Y/N's P.O.V

As we're heading towards the battlefield mum checks in on Bruce as he's using the Hulkbuster armor as he and the Hulk are having issues right now.

Natasha: Alright, Bruce how we doing?

Bruce: Yeah I'm getting the hang of this. Woah! This is amazing Nat, it's like being the Hulk but...

As he was celebrating he tripped and falls over.

Bruce then stands up.

Bruce: I'm okay, I'm alright.

Rhodey and Sam fly over head and past Bruce.

As the two are about to fly ahead I contact Rhodey for a update on the situation.

Y/N: Rhodey, talk to me. What's happening?

Rhodey: I've got two heat signatures breaking though the treeline boss.

He and Sam then fly ahead towards the barrier of Wakanda.

I look over and see mum roll her eyes.

Natasha: Really Rhodey? "Boss?" Don't inflate my son's ego please.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Wow, thanks mum.

We smile at each other.

After a few more minutes we reach the battlefield where myself, some of the Avengers and Wakandan tribes jump out of the transports.

As we walk up to T'challa, M'Baku Steve, mum, dad, Pietro and I stand up front with them and we have Frank and the Defender's behind.

We then see the female alien from Scotland and a bigger one come up to the barrier. Mum, Steve, T'challa and I  go up to the barrier to talk to them.

Natasha: Where's you other friend?

Y/N: Yeah, I was hoping to go round two with that asshole.

Female alien: You will pay for his life with yours. Give us the stone.

Steve: That's not happening.

T'challa: You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.

Female alien: We have blood to spare.

She raises her hand and the dropship doors start opening up.

We head back over to the other's and stand back in our original places.

Frank: So, I'm guessing they didn't surrender.

Y/N: Nope.

T'challa: YIBAMBE!!!

Wakandan's: YIBAMBE!!!

T'challa and his people continue to chant this.

We then see these space dog looking things come out from the woods and try to break through the barrier and die in the attempt.

Bucky: What the hell?

Natasha: Looks like we pissed her off.

Peitro: What gave you that idea?

Okoye: They are killing themselves.

As some begin to break through the Wakandan's, dad and Frank begin to fire at them with their ranged weapons, along with Rhodey and Sam taking them down from the air.

Sam: You see the teeth on those things?

Rhodey: Back up Sam or you'll get your wings brunt.

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