Chapter 65: Morag 2014

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(Morag 2014)

Wanda's P.O.V

After landing on the planet Morag in the year 2014 Pietro, Nat and Clint wait for Nebula and Rhodey to bring the drop ship down.

As we're waiting I look down and see Pietro kick on small creature that must live on this planet.

Pietro: Stupid little rat.

Clint: Come on guys can we hurry it up.

Natasha: Yeah, come on guys chop, chop we're on a clock here.

Rhodey turns around.

Rhodey: (Sarcastically) Yeah, all of that really helpful.

We all chuckle at this.

Once the drop ship is lowered we all say goodbye to Nat and Clint.

Natasha then comes over and hugs me.

Natasha: Good luck and stay safe.

Wanda: You too.

She then pulls away.

Natasha: Oh and Wanda if something happens to me just promise me you'll take care of my little boy.

I nod.

Wanda: I will, I promise.

Natasha: Thank you.

Nat then goes over to Rhodey and hugs him.

After say goodbye Natasha and Clint get back on the ship.

Rhodey: You two watch each other's six.

They both nod and get on the ship and take off.

Pietro looks to Nebula.

Pietro: So, now we just wait here for this Quill guy to show up.

She nods.

Nebula: Let's get to cover. We're not the only ones in 2014 looking for the stones.

Wanda: Who else is?

Nebula: Me.

Rhodey: Amd where are you right now?

She doesn't answer and walks away.

We all agree to decide not to push the issue and join her behind cover.

(Ten minutes later)

After waiting for what seems like forever we finally see the man named Peter Quill walk into the temple.

We then see him put on headphones and start singing and dancing.

As we watch him for a couple of minutes Rhodey looks to Nebula.

Rhodey: So he's an idiot?

Nebula: Yeah.

We then come out of cover and Rhodey knocks Quill out cold and Nebula pulls something out of his bag that will get us to the power stone.

Once we get to the entrance and open the door Rhodey and Nebula go in to get the stone, while Pietro and I stand outside the entrance keeping an eye out.

I then see Pietro looking at me.

Pietro: Are you okay? You seem a little distracted.

I nod.

Wanda: I'm fine, I'm just a little worried you know?

Pietro: Yeah, I know but it'll be okay.

Wanda: What makes you so sure?

Pietro: I just have a feeling.

He and I smile at each other.

We then hear Rhodey's voice.

Rhodey: Hey guys! Time to go!

We run over to him and Nebula

Pietro: You got it?

Nebula: Yes.

Wanda: Great.

Rhodey: Yep, now let's sync up.

We all nod.

Rhodey: Okay, 3, 2, 1

Then our time travel suits activate and we shrink back down into the quantum realm and head back to the compound in 2021.

Hoping that the other's are back there with the other stones.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now