Chapter 73: Waking up

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(The next day)

Wanda's P.O.V

As I'm sitting with Y/N I'm still worried that he won't wake up and that he'll never get to meet his child.

I then feel something. I look down and see Y/N's non-burnt hand squeezing my hand. Y/N's eyes then open.

Y/N: Wanda?

Wanda: Y/N! Oh my god!

I lean in and kiss him all over his face.

Y/N: I'm still here.

Wanda: Yeah, yeah you are.

He smiles at me.

Y/N: Wow, it's just so good to see your beautiful face again.

I smile.

(Fifteen minutes later)

After fifteen minutes we get Y/N back on to his feet and Dr. Strange put a sling around his burnt arm as it still need time to heal, even with his enhanced healing.

The other's have come into see him. But after all that he and I decide to have a talk.

Wanda: Hey, so there's something I wanted to tell you.

Y/N: Okay, what is it?

I breathe in heavily.

Wanda: Okay, I'm just gonna come out with it. Y/N, I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a daddy.

Y/N's P.O.V

As soon as I hear Wanda say this I feel joy rise up my body. I'm gonna be a dad.

I start smiling.

Y/N: Wait, really?

She nods with a smile on her face.

Y/N: Oh my god! That's amazing!

I wrap her up in a hug with my good arm. Then we pull away and kissed.

Once we pull away we decide to talk about staying as Avengers.

After a few minutes of talking we know that we miss be Avengers and that after the baby is born we're gonna start doing both. We're gonna live a normal life, but be Avengers too.

We then also start talking about the wedding and how after what happened we should get married as soon as possible.

As we start talking about this Shuri and T'challa come in.

Shuri: Sorry, to burst in but we heard you guys talking about your wedding and we want to help.

Wanda: What do you mean?

T'challa: What my sister is trying to say is that if you want to get married soon, then you can get married here. In Wakanda.

Y/N: Wait, really?

The siblings nod to us.

Y/N: What do you think?

Wanda: Getting married in Wakanda sounds perfect.

I smile.

Y/N: Well, then I'm guess we're getting married in Wakanda.

Shuri: Yes!

T'challa: Sorry, she loves weddings.

Wanda and I smile as we know what the other is thinking.

Y/N: Wait T'challa, can the king of Wakanda marry people, if we're getting married in Wakanda?

The king smiles.

T'challa: Yes I can marry you, and I'd be honoured to do so.

He and I shake hands.

Y/N: So we should probably wait until my arm is fully heal.

Wanda: Yes, we should.

Y/N: Speaking of which, Shuri how long until my arm is fully healed?

Shuri: Well, after the scan I did on your arm this morning before you woke up shows me that your arm will be fully healed in about a week.

(A/N: I know that's not exactly realistic, but just go with it.)

I look to Wanda.

Y/N: Can we plan a wedding in one week?

Wanda nods

Wanda: With your mum's help, yes I believe so.

She then leaves and gets to work on the wedding straight away.

(One week later)

So after one week it's finally the day Wanda and I getting married. I also managed to have a bachelor party in Wakanda a couple of days ago, which was fun.

But anyway I'm standing at the end on the alter with T'challa as the priest. And I have Pietro as my best man and Steve, Tony, Sam, dad and Peter with me on my side.

We then hear the door open and see Wanda walks in wearing her wedding dress. She looks absolutely gorgeous and I can't believe this is actually happening.

Once Wanda makes it over to me I lean in towards her.

Y/N: (Whispers) You look so gorgeous.

Wanda: (Whispers) Thank you. You look very handsome.

T'challa gives his speech and after that we put the rings on each other's hands, and agree to take each other in sickness and health etc.

T'challa: Now, you may kiss the bride.

I grab Wanda and pull her into the kiss.

And with that I'm now married to Wanda Maximoff. Though now she's married to me she's wanted to take my surname, so now she's Wanda Romanoff-Barnes.

We then spend the rest enjoying the wedding we only spent a week of planning.

(A/N: Sorry, I know it's probably not the best chapter but I wanted to do a chapter like this.)

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