Chapter 74: Returning The Stones

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(Five days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

Five days after the wedding myself, dad, mum, Wanda, Tony, Bruce and Sam stand with Steve on the outskirts of the ruins of the Avengers compound as Steve gets ready to return to stones to their places in the timeline.

Tony opens up the case that now has the stones in it.

Tony: Now remember Cap, you have to return the stones to the exact place we got 'em from. Otherwise your gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.

Steve: Don't worry Tony I know, clip all the branch's.

Steve closes the case up.

Sam and I walk with Steve.

Y/N: Cap if you want I can come with you.

Sam: We both could.

He smiles at Sam and I.

Steve: You're a good man Y/N, you both are, but this one's on me.

We both nod.

Steve then says goodbye to the others and then gets on the new teleporter that Bruce and Tony built, with some help from Hank Pym.

Sam: How long is this gonna take?

Tony: For him as long as he needs, for us about five seconds.

Bruce: Alright Cap we'll meet you back here.

Steve nods.

Steve: You bet.

He then activates the helmet on his time travel suit.

Bruce: Going quantum in five, four, three, two, one.

Steve shrinks down and goes back in time.

Bruce: And returning in five, four, three two, one.

We then wait for a second and see Steve reappear on the teleporter and deactivate his time travel suit.

Natasha: So, did you do it?

Steve: Yep, everything is back where its supposed to be.

Bucky: Nice.

Tony: Great job Cap.

As everyone starts talking amongst themselves I go to talk to Steve in private.

Y/N: Hey, so I'm kinda surprised that you didn't go back in time to be with a certain someone.

I could tell by the look on his face that he knew I was talking about Peggy.

He then smiles.

Steve: I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't cross my mind, but then I remembered something.

Y/N: What's that?

Steve: Well, when I was in that support group to help people who lost someone to the snap I said the line "You gotta move on." So I realised that if I had gone back to be with Peggy I'd be doing the opposite of that. It's time for me to move on, and be this new me. With my new family.

He and I look at the others talking with each other.

Y/N: Well, that's great. I'm proud of you Cap.

He chuckles.

Steve: Thanks, oh and there's something I want to talk to you about.

Y/N: Okay, what is it?

Steve: Well I want you to become the Avengers new leader.

Y/N: Wait, what?

Steve: You've proven yourself to be a leader on more than one occasion, in the fight against Thanos to name one. You also gave your life to save the universe so I think that shows you to be a great leader.

Y/N: But what about you?

Steve: I'll still be an Avenger and Captain America, but I'll leave the leading to you. Because like I said, you're a leader Y/N.

I smile.

Y/N: Well that's because of you Steve. You taught me how to be someone worth following.

Steve: That's good. Because from now on I'm following you.

He and I hug and then see the other's come in for a group hug.

We then all pull away and left to join the other's.

Tony then announces to us that he is retiring as Iron-Man as this was his last mission. But he also said that he'll be there to help as technical support whenever we need him.

Now we all start to get to work on building a new Avengers compound for the Avengers to live/meet up in.

But for now all we can do is rebuild and wait for the next battle that comes along to hurt earth or it's poeple.

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