Chapter 14: Learning The Truth

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Y/N's P.O.V

We are now currently on the highway heading towards S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. Sam is driving with Steve in the front, whilst I'm in the middle and have mum and Sitwell sitting either side of me.

Sitwell: S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't like leaks.

Sam: Well, then why don't you try sticking a cork in it.

Natasha: Insight launches in sixteen hours. We're cutting kinda close, don't you think?

Steve: I know, we'll use Sitwell here to bypass the detectors then we can take down S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA from the inside out.

Sitwell: That’s your plan. That is a terrible idea.

But before Sitwell can say anymore a metal arm breaks in and he gets throw out of the car and hits and killed by a truck on the other side.

We realised that it's the Winter Soldier and mum and I jump in to the front to avoid being shot.

I then pull on the handbrake and this sends the Winter Soldier flying, but he manages to catch himself and skid to a stop.

Mum was about to shoot him when we got hit by a truck from behind. The truck eventually managed to flip our car forcing us to jump whilst the car was in mid air.

We got to our feet Steve and I see the Winter Soldier aiming a grenade launcher at us, Steve then pushes mum out of the way puts his shield up infront of both us.

The force of the explosion sent Steve and I off of the highway and into the bus below the highway.

Once I came to I made my way out of the bus and saw Steve and Sam dealing with the Winter Soldier's back-up.

Sam: You guys go. I got this.

Steve and I made our way further down the street and saw the Winter Soldier was about to shoot and kill my mother.

Y/N: No!!

I ran out from behind the van that Steve and I were standing behind, the Winter Soldier turns and tried to punch me with his metal arm but I caught with no problem.

(A/N: Just imagine Bucky is wearing his mask

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(A/N: Just imagine Bucky is wearing his mask.)

He then kicks me in the chest and tried to shoot me but Steve blocks it with his shield. Steve then pushes me back and starts fighting the Winter Soldier.

Once I got my second wind I saw Cap on the ground and the Winter Soldier holding his shield.

I charged at him he then threw the shield at me, but I duck down and dodge it and the shield went into the back of the van.

After that he pulls out a knife. I fight him off and take him down to the ground.

I jump up and grab the shield from the back of the van. I used it against him and managed to best him.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N and not Steve

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N and not Steve.)

I then throw him over my shoulder. I turn around and notice his mask had come off.

That's when I saw his face, what Sitwell had said was true. James Buchanan Barnes is the Winter Soldier in that moment I also realise that he was telling the truth about something else.

The Winter Soldier is my father and I knew it in my gut the moment I saw his face.

Once I had come to this realisation I'm just in shock and I feel slightly sick, so much so that I dropped the shield.

Y/N: (Whispers) Oh my god, Sitwell was telling the truth.

Steve then walks over.

Steve: Bucky?

Bucky: Who the hell is Bucky?

He then pulls his gun up and is about to shoot us, but Sam flying in and kicks him in the back.

Bucky looks at Steve and I before running away after nearly getting blown up by mum who was using the granade launcher.

After Bucky disappeared S.H.I.E.L.D and the S.T.R.I.K.E team showed up with choppers above us.

Rumlow: Alright!! Get on your knees both of you!! Now!!

Both Steve and I comply, mainly due to the shock of what we had both just found out. I noitce Sam and mum both being put in handcuffs too.

I still couldn't believe the Winter Soldier was my father. How the fuck is that possible.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now