Chapter 26: We'll Lose

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Y/N's P.O.V

So after dealing with Ultron and his bot's we head up to Tony's lab to find out what happened. When we get there all of the work is gone and the place is a mess. Tony goes over to a destroyed bot on the table and stares at it for a good amount of time.

Bruce: All of our work is gone. Ultron cleared and used the Internet to escape.

Steve: Ultron.

Mum then looked up from a computer screen.

Natasha: He's been inside everything. The files, surveillance. Hell he probably knows more about us then we do about each other.

Y/N: Well, I've seen Terminator enough times to know, that when the rogue A.I escapes and wants to wipe out humanity. It tends to access things that explode.

Maria: Nuclear codes.

Y/N: Exactly. Nuclear codes.

Rhodey: Right, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can.

Natasha: Nukes? He said he wanted to kills us.

Steve: No he didn't say killed he said "extinct."

Clint: Yeah and he said he killed somebody.

Maria: But there wasn't anyone else in the building other than us.

Tony then walks over.

Tony: Yeah, there was.

He then shows us what's left of Jarvis.

Bruce: Oh my god.

Y/N: Jarvis was the first line of defense. He would have shut Ultron down, it makes sense.

Bruce: No. Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy. This was rage.

Thor then came in and grabbed Tony by the throat. But after putting him down he said that Ultron took the sceptre.

Tony then went on to explain that we needed Ultron to deal with a threat like the alien army that came to New York back in 2012.

Tony: Come on guys, we're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all day but that up there. That's the endgame. How are we gonna beat that?

Steve: Together.

Tony then looks to Steve.

Tony: We'll lose.

Steve: Then we'll do that together too. Thor's right, Ultron's calling us out and I'd like to find him before he's ready. The world's a big place, let's start making it smaller.

So we all got to work so we could find Ultron.

(The next day)

After searching for leads all night we came up with nothing. Though whilst mum, Bruce, Tony and I we looking through all the digital files Steve and uncle Clint came over with a tablet.

Steve: Guys, Ultron killed Strucker.

Steve shows the image of Strucker's dead body.

I take the tablet from him.

Y/N: Oh, and he wrote us a nice lovely message in blood on the wall. He's a sweetheart.

We then come to find out that all of the digital files on Strucker were earsed by Ultron. So go to look through the paper files on him.

And after some digging we find out that one of his associates. Ulysses Klaue took some vibranium out of a place call Wakanda, which is where Tony's dad found the vibranium for Cap's shield. This surprised Steve as he thought that Howard got the last of it.

So after finding this out we go to find Klaue and hopefully find him before Ultron does.

(A/N: Sorry for making this a shorter chapter than usual and sorry for not have much dialogue from the characters, but for this chapterI mainly wanted the dialogue from the "We'll lose." scene.)

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