Chapter 72: Healing In Wakanda

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(One week later)

Natasha's P.O.V

So it's been one week since we defeated Thanos and his army, it's been one week since half the universe came back to life. Its also been one week since my son sacrificed his life to finish off Thanos and went into a coma.

Myself, Wanda and Bucky have been with Y/N constantly hoping he'll wake up. Everyone has come by to see Y/N and pay their respects for what he did, even the heroes who don't know him.

I'm currently the only one with him as I made James get Wanda out of the room and get some sleep as she hasn't slept much since Y/N went into the coma.

As I'm sitting there holding Y/N's non-burnt hand just watching him sleep, much like I did when he was little I hear the door open and see Tony walk in.

Tony: Hey, can I come in?

I nod.

Natasha: Yeah, sure.

Tony comes fully into the room and walks over. He then looks down at Y/N then to me.

Tony: How's he doing?

Natasha: Well he's still breathing, so that's good. But obviously he still hasn't woken up.

He nods sadly.

Tony: Nat, this is all my fault.

I tilt my head in confusion.

Natasha: What are you talking about?

Tony: Back on Titan Strange told me that there was only two ways that we could beat Thanos. One version showed Y/N uses the stones and dying, the other showed me doing that.

He breathes in heavily.

Tony: If I had been stronger and got to the stones first I could have saved your son and stopped this from happening.

Natasha: Tony, this was not your fault. I understand why Y/N did this, he wanted you to be able to go back to your family. I know my son, and I know he didn't regret making the decision he made.

Tony nods.

Tony: I just want you to know that if Y/N doesn't make it I will make sure that nobody will ever forget his sacrifice, ever. And if you and Bucky or Wanda need anything I'll be there to help.

I nod and wipe away the tears in my eyes.

Natasha: Thank you Tony. I really appreciate that.

Tony: Of course, well I should get going now and check in with Pepper and Morgan. But I'll be back later.

I nod.

Tony: Okay, I'll see ya.

Tony then leaves and I turn my attention back to Y/N.

(The next day)

Wanda's P.O.V

After waking up from much needed sleep and throwing up I go to see Y/N.

When I get inside I sit down and hold Y/N's hand.

I start tearing up again as we don't know if he'll wake up. I just really want to see his lovely Y/E/C eyes again.

I then hear the door and see Natasha walk in.

Nat walks up and gives me a sadden look.

Natasha: Hey, what's wrong? Y/N's gonna wake up you know?

Wanda: I hope so. I'm just scared that he won't. I'm scared I'll never see his charming smiling, his lovely eyes or hear his voice again.

Natasha: Hey, you will I know it.

There's something I need to say and get off my chest as I've known for three days now and I can't hold it in anymore.

Wanda: Nat, I need to tell you something?

Natasha: Okay what is it?

I breathe in and out slowly.

Wanda: Nat, I'm pregnant.

Her eyes widen.

Wanda: Three days ago I went to see Shuri and Strange as I had been throwing up a lot recently. After doing a test I found out I'm over a week pregnant. Nine days exact.

Natasha: Oh my god Wanda. Congratulations.

Wanda: Thanks, so you and Bucky are gonna be grandparents.

She smiles.

Natasha: Well, I don't think I'm old enough to be called grandma yet.

She and I both chuckle.

I then start to cry a bit.

Wanda: Nat, what if Y/N doesn't wake up? Our child will never know their father. And honestly I'm scared of raising this child alone.

Natasha: I understand that. When James was first gone I was scared of raising Y/N alone, but I got through it. You will too if Y/N doesn't wake up, but he will. But if he's doesn't wake up you won't be alone. I'll make sure of that. You'll have James, Pietro and me to help you.

We both get up and hug then pull away.

Wanda: Thank you Nat.

She nods and smiles.

Natasha: Now, let's talk about something happier. What gender would you like the baby to be?

She and I smile and I chuckle.

I then put my hand on my stomach where the baby is gonna start growing.

Wanda: Honestly, I want a baby boy.

Natasha: Well, if you have a boy I'm willing to bet he'll be just like his daddy.

I smile.

Wanda: Yeah, I know.

She and I continue to talk about the baby and other things.

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