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-Third Person POV-

Kai'sa was running through the trees, moving side to side to avoid the constant energy balls shot at her direction, behind her, a Boltreaver Astalos was actively pursuing her. The flying wyvern was shooting bolts of energy one after another while skillfully flying through the forest, avoiding the trees without major problem.

Kai'sa was completely out of her element while fighting this monster, and her confusion pushed her to be on the defensive side of the fight. Tired of the persecution, the Astalos threw a bolt of electricity to the girl's direction, but not aimed specifically at her, it cut her path and made her take a sudden turn. Being faster than her, the wyvern put himself in front of the void huntress and flew higher into the air, putting himself upside down and using his head to conduct the lightning on his body to attack.

The electric attack moved over the ground as a spike of electricity, moving towards Kai'sa like the dorsal fin of a shark prowling. She didn't manage to move in time and was struck by it, the attack threw her back but wasn't enough to make her fall to the ground. However, the beast immediately shot another bolt of electricity at her, hitting head on. A brutal shock assaulted her entire body and made her fall to the ground paralyzed for a moment.

The wyvern didn't stop and turned around with a hop, using his tails to smash the ground. A surge of electricity was shot once more towards Kai'sa, and being unable to move, it hit her directly. The sheer force of the strikes sent her flying once more, crashing with a tree and making her cough desperately between spasms. The impact forced all the air inside of her lungs to come out, suffocating her, her whole situation was terrible in just a moment.

Fortunately for her, the Astalos couldn't get closer to her, as the Banbaro pushed a bunch of fallen trees into the area, almost hitting the Stygian Zinogre. The Astalos flew away of the attack and watched how the Zinogre moved around the brute wyvern while occasionally attacking with a crimson lightning.

This situation allowed Kai'sa to recover. The paralysis stopped and she managed to recover her breath, now knowing that being hit by those attacks was even worse than she thought, she prepared her crystal blades and the turrets flying over her shoulders. Aiming both at the flying wyvern, she shot a barrage of missiles and energy beams. Every one of them reached their target, making the creature fall to the ground. Quickly getting on his feet, the flying wyvern roared at the girl and dashed at her, using the spikes on his wings to attack. Kai'sa quickly moved to the side, jumping away from the attack and seeing the left wing of the creature burying itself into the ground, followed by some sparks and bolts. Being completely charged, the beast showed a characteristic blue light, and using all this charge on his body, it flew over Kai'sa and nailed his tail in the ground.

Powerful shockwaves were released on the surrounding area. Rings of lightning emanated from the ground and Kai'sa was caught in the middle of the attack, but she managed to dodge them. The key was that a clear flow of sparks marked the area of the ring before the full discharge, letting her move in or out of the ring depending on what was going to come next.

The wyvern forcefully took out his tails and landed next to Kai'sa, who started to fight back. She dashed towards the beast with her blades ready, using them to cut the scales on the neck of the creature, stopping right below the left wings and side stepping to the other one to slash at it. After a circular slash at the wing, Kai'sa aimed her shots at the head of the beast, hitting it point blank and making it stumble. He quickly recovered and tried to bite her, only to taste the air. Kai'sa side stepped the attack and delivered another round of missiles to him.

The Astalos took the hit head on and then charged a lot of energy into his horn, creating a literal light saber, and slashing downwards at Kai'sa. The girl was shock by the unexpected attack and didn't move as fast as she should have, letting the sable hit one of her turrets and effectively cutting it in half.

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