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-Ahri POV-

My head was throbbing with pain while my body ached everywhere. But little by little I was recovering my movement and all my basic functions...

It felt as if everything was starting to work again after it stopped for some reason. As if I was turning on the TV after having it unplugged for a while, instantly but it still gave the notion of being returned to life. The first thing to come back was my sight, as my eyes were opening and closing slowly. After dissipating the dizziness from my head, my ears worked once more, letting me hear muffled voices coming from outside. That's another thing, I was inside a tent.

I don't know what brought me here, but I'm still alive so I'm not complaining. Little by little the rest of my body started to answer my commands, letting me sit up after roughly two minutes of trying. It was then that I noticed that I wasn't wearing anything on the top half, well, I was completely covered in bandages, so anything important wasn't visible.

My lower half was fine, though I was only using my underwear. Whoever stripped me last night, it better has been Soraka. But what if it was Kei'ral?...


Though I definitely like the idea of him stripping me instead of Ekko... And that felt weird to think about so let's move on to abandon this small line of thought in utter oblivion.

As my body kept moving better and better, the pain didn't leave me. My bandaged were fairly clean, which means they were changed not too long ago. Luckily, someone left a change of clothes for me on the side of the tent. I grabbed the clothes and put on them despite the pain of my muscles moving.

Damn, I got my ass kicked last night. But oh well, the Rathian ended up worse than me. I mean she's dead and here I am.

But it's time to go out and hear his reprimand. Kei'ral will surely yell at me for doing the most idiotic and suicidal thing ever, still thinking I had a chance. Though in my defense! I proved that I had a chance and even more! I pulled it off and killed that wyvern. No one can deny that...

Still, I'm ready to hear any kind of punishment he might have for me today.

As I made my way to the entrance of the tent, I managed to hear the voices outside of the tent. Recognizing my entire team. As well as the other Guardians!?

Whatever is going on out there, it definitely is related to the rift of last night. Which mean I'll have to hear their lectures too...

I changed my mind; I think I want to go back to being dead.

Well, whatever. Took a deep breath and opened the entrance.

As I crawled myself outside of the tent, the voices stopped, and I felt everyone' gazes being directed at me. But I closed my eyes and expected Kei'ral to do, basically anything. Yell at me, hug me like a mad idiot, or simply cry like a baby for being scared...

But there was nothing, just shocked silence. I opened my eyes to see everyone, just to find them all looking at me with shocked faces. And... Soraka was downright crying. Good job me, you made the purest cinnamon roll cry.

There was no sign of Kei'ral though, yet I didn't have time to think about that because Soraka rushed at me and hugged me while still crying. It was the most relieved and warm hug I've ever had...

Me: Sorry I worried you Twinkle star.

I hugged her back and let her cries turn to sobs in my shoulder. Ekko seems relieved beyond his mind while the rest of the Guardians all shared a more relaxed atmosphere. Didn't expect everyone to be this worried about me to be honest, or at least not Lux's team. But there they were, sharing sights of relieve and smiles.

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