Night visit

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-Soraka POV-

I arrived at home like any other day, though as is starting to become usual these days, I was feeling down and worried. But the sight of my house is always something that relaxes me, because I know that my dad is waiting for me inside, ready to talk with me about how our days went. It was something I always appreciated, since he's always so attentive to everything I tell him... Though this makes me feel guilty for lying to him about all the Star Guardian stuff.

My dad can't stand the idea of me being in danger in any way possible, one of the reasons I'm in the Valoran institute is that the other option in the city is known for having some bad cases of bullying. My father was not going to take any risks and send me where I am right now.

However, I received a good surprise when I arrived.

Dad: Soraka? Is that you? Why are you so late?

Late? Wait! What time it is? I checked the clock in my phone and noticed that it was already 11 PM. Quite late to be honest. As I was doing this, my father walked out of the kitchen in the back of the house and rushed to me.

Dad: Where were you all day? You didn't have to go to work today.

Me: Uhmmm. I was with my friends. Sorry, I forgot to tell you about it.

Dad: *sigh* Well, did you have fun?

Me: Yeah, it was a good day...

Not counting the encounter with the Shagaru Magala and the precarious mental health of one of my friends. But well, the Kirin encounter was something cute. My father stepped back and turned around to go back to the kitchen, as I walked into the house and left my backpack and my jacket on the couch of the living room.

Dad: The dinner is almost ready by the way.

Me: Wait, you haven't eaten yet?

Dad: I was waiting for you, besides... I'm kinda guilty of the same crime as you. I arrived here a little late today.

Me: Oh, working overtime?

Dad: Not really... uhmmm... do you remember that dating app you told me to use?

No way... did he got a date!? Oh! my goodness!

Me: Did it work!? Oh! I'm so happy for you! How did it go!? Who was the lucky one!?

He was suddenly a little bashful about it, something that definitely added some fuel to my excitement. It was about time for him to get a girlfriend, he's a really handsome gentleman if I say so myself. Though he always has a tired look in his eyes, there is also a constant kindness showed in them. That combined with his refined features and his little goat ears, even when he hides them in his hair, makes him a cute looking man. He was a vastaya like me, though most of my features came from my mother's side of the genes. His white hair flowed long until his shoulders, with some tied up in the back of his head as a small ponytail. The two horns that grow from his head are quite different from what I have though. He is a goat vastaya, but the major traits from him are just the ones I already mentioned, ears and horns.

While I don't know what kind of vastaya my mother was, I know that she's not that far from my father. But the doubt always remained in my head, literally. My horn is something unique and it has always been the reason of my biggest doubts about who and what my mom was.

Sadly though, my father keeps saying that he doesn't have any idea of what kind of vastaya she was. He says that she never told him. Something that I don't believe entirely but well, I won't push for answers to something he's clearly not comfortable about.

Dad: I'll tell you everything, but first, let's take a seat and eat our dinner. I got a good idea from a catalog of food and made these spicy noodles with some crispy tofu.

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