Dynamic duo

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-Ahri POV-

The physical examination was just about to start as the different classes gathered around the main entrance of the institute. We were going to be taken to a different place, a sport center, where every test was going to be held on.

It was something to be expected since even if the number of students was reduced, we still didn't have enough space to make the tests, or a proper place for some of them.

Kei'ral: So, class 3-A is going on a field trip.

Ezreal: We are not the only class going, dude.

Kei'ral: Yeah, but I'm part of the 3-A class, and that's the only one that I care about.

Me: Shut up, you are not allowed to talk for the rest of the day, remember?

Kei'ral: What!? You were being serious!?

Me: Yes! Now shut up!

He pouted like a child and crossed his arms. Meanwhile, I looked around for Soraka. She was standing with the rest of her class, talking with one of the other Guardians. Speaking of them, Lux was looking at her teammate too, the psycho girl was just playing with her phone. And I don't know if this is good luck or not, but I can hear their conversation. I mean it's not hard to do, but between all the noise that this place is making I'm kinda surprised to be able to distinguish their voices.

Jinx: Would you stop worrying about last night? It was a lightning storm that was affected by the void energy, what's the big deal?

Lux: Don't you remember what happened last week? There was a similar storm. Remember the damages we found the next day? What if that monster is still at large?

Jinx: Why are you so sure that it was a monster? Could have been just an explosion or something.

Lux: Even so, I still think it would be best to talk about this with Janna. Or maybe even the other Guardians.

I don't know what's worse, they openly talking about Star Guardian business or no one paying attention to them. Maybe it's because they don' have the entire school crawling in their backs, wanting to know everything about them. Sometimes being popular is incredibly bothersome.

And by the way, Kei'ral hasn't told me much about his fight with that monster last night. He just had a breakdown and tried to explain his situation to my parents. He told me what happened and some other things, but there are still details I want to know.

Mrs. Laurent: Alright students, the first three busses are here. Each A class from year 1 to 3 go to your respective bus. It's only a ten-minute trip so please don't cause any problems to the driver.

We did as we were told and boarded the bus. I sat on the middle since I didn't want to be bouncing around on the back, the rest of my friends did the same an sat down around me. Obviously, Kei'ral took seat right beside me. Normally this would be annoying, if it was any other guy, maybe even Ezreal. But I don't know, I got used to his company by now. I got the seat beside the window while he got the one facing the hallway, something weird since I expected him to take out his inner child and ask me to seat there so he could see through the window.

Me: Aren't you going to ask me to change places?

He didn't answer, he just rested his entire body on the seat.

Me: Oh, you are sleeping? It's only ten minutes though.

He looked at me with unamused eyes before closing them, obviously annoyed by something. Wait, don't tell me he really is obeying me with that "no talking" rule.

Me: Are you really going to stop speaking until I say so?

He nodded, still annoyed.

Me: Well then, I'm glad you are actually going to hear me for once. Keep it up.

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