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-Kei'ral POV-

Friday on the afternoon, two weeks after the fight against the Zinogre. The team is doing fine, Ahri and Soraka didn't have much complications with learning how to use the hunting weapons. Ekko had it easy too by using the same light bow-gun he used on the last fight.

Soraka found the Insect Glaive rather easy to control seeing the she usually carried a crosier with her, besides, Shisa was a pretty useful replacement for the kinsects that the weapon usually occupied. Her healing capabilities could be transmitted with Shisa and it actually made the spell something more effective by being concentrated in the medium.

Ahri choose the Bow and arrow, since she didn't like the idea of engaging combat directly. She said something of not wanting to get her hands dirty or something like that, I didn't care about it. She had the advantage of being able to use different type of arrows to inflict different elemental damages to the enemy. Just like Ekko with his light bow-gun. Ahri also asked Ekko to specialize her bow to resist high temperatures and make it with thermal insulator materials, so she could make the most of her own flames. I didn't stop her because beyond that, the bow is completely made to inflict raw damage.

Soraka's glaive didn't have elemental damage at all, it was raw damage, nothing beyond the sharpness of the blade. This didn't matter since we could make more weapons as we hunt down some wyverns.

Today was a practical exam for so to speak, I was sitting on top of giant boulder while looking at the three of them fighting a Barroth we happened to find.

We were currently "camping with friends" as Soraka and Ekko explained to their parents, Ahri and I didn't have to do that with her parents, they understood what we were doing

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We were currently "camping with friends" as Soraka and Ekko explained to their parents, Ahri and I didn't have to do that with her parents, they understood what we were doing. Mizu offered to come with us, but I thought it would be better if she stayed home taking care of Mr. and Mrs. Luminaro.

Our camping experience brought us to an arid area a couple of hours away form the city. So, as soon as we finished the school day, we came here.

It was already sunset, but we arrived around two hours ago. I spent that time tracking down this little guy over here and told these three it was time for them to make a hunt on their own... their first hunt actually. None of them have fought a Barroth before and the only experience Soraka and Ekko had was the one they had with the Zinogre, as for Ahri, she didn't have experience at all.

Now this might sound dangerous, but I'm close to the fight in case anything goes wrong and I specifically instructed Soraka to abandon the fight and heal anyone who ended up being badly injured. I also asked them if this was fine and since they all agreed, I made this their first trial.

We're also here not just by coincidence, I choose this place because I heard that there was sighting of strange creatures roaming around this zone. So, we came to exterminate anything dangerous.

The fight was going well by the way. The Barroth charged forwards trying to attack Soraka, but she used her Glaive to launch herself to the air and her wings to impulse out of the way of the charge, not without spinning around while swinging her glaive with grace, hitting the hard back of the brutal wyvern.

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