Medical exam

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-Soraka POV-

Second day of classes, nervousness to the limit, a great truth to be revealed and on top of that, today is the physical and medical examination. The last thing I need is to feel inferior to everyone else by getting the worst result on the physical trials, again. it was horrible to be labeled as a pushover both physically and socially speaking. At least I joined the Star Guardians halfway through the school year, Ahri and Sarah's social status in the school helped to make people stop piking on me.

Now that I think so, I have an exceptional physical condition as a Star Guardian now, maybe I could... No! I'm not going to abuse my especial living conditions to feel superior to others! Just what kind of person I would be if I used these powers, meant to be used to protect the world, to become popular and feel above others?

That's just wrong! Not even Ahri does that! Mainly because she never needed being a Star Guardian to position herself on top of the social pyramid of this school. Well, it's decided, I'm not going to stand out in any way possible, the least I'm going to do is stay in the average. That would be a significant improvement over the last year where I stood on the lowest of the school.

Still, some important matters should be the main thing in my mind right now. After all, I still need to discover what is going on with Kei'ral and what kind of relationship he has with Ahri. I know their friendship goes beyond the "childhood friends" excuse.

Anyways, I made my way through the hallways of the institute to reach my classroom, and the moment I get in...

Brayden: Oh, would you look at that? I was worrying that you wouldn't come today. After the pathetic display of last year, I thought you would just skip this year's physical exam.

Me: There's also a medical examination, besides both are mandatory. There is no reason for me to skip classes.

Brayden: I'll give a reason, making a fool of yourself again.

I rolled my eyes and walked to me seat. Seriously, how this institution is still allowing that guy to come to class? Brayden Abutens, the typical bully you will find in every single school. There's not much to say about him, he doesn't show anything of his private life. Or at least nothing real, he always is bragging about going out to "amazing parties" or that he has taken several women to his bed. Sadly, he has some sort of fixation with me and my friends. He has gone as far as to spread rumors of him sleeping with Ahri and of course, this didn't go unnoticed by my friend. He ended up apologizing and begging her for mercy, surprisingly enough, he kept acting as that moment of pure humiliation never happened. Currently, he thinks that aiming his "charms" at me would have any kind of effect.

Brayden: I'm just saying little goat, if you accept my offer of being my girlfriend, things would become so easy for you. You might even get out of that stupid bakery you are stuck on.

Me: I already told you that I'm not interested, and please don't insult the bakery that Mr. Phanteon has put so much effort in.

Brayden: Yeah, you are talking as if it was necessary to put any effort on something so low as that. Everyone can just make a stupid cake, now you could go a step further and make one for a real man, you know?

Me: Again, I'm not interested. Could you please stop asking?

Brayden: Come on little goat, you know tha-

Lulu: Good morning Soraka!

Now that's a voice I like to hear, the little yordle that fights as a support on Luxanna's team. She's cheerful and always makes the best of every situation, a little like Kei'ral. The difference being that she never stops, Kei'ral knows when to turn down his hyperactive self (most of the time), Lulu on the other side doesn't, and always acts as if the world was made out of candy.

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