Mom's new friend

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-Kei'ral POV-

Mr. Ripley: We'll be leaving then.

Ahri: Please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, mom.

Mrs. Luminaro: I think you should have a little more faith on your friend, don't you think?

Me: I've been expecting her to do that for weeks by now. I wouldn't count with it.

Mrs. Luminaro: Have fun you two.

Mr. Ripley/Ahri: Bye.

And they left the house, leaving me alone with Ahri's mother. The reason those two left the house was because today was the "bring your daughter to work" day in the police department. It's really funny since Mr. Ripley has been so excited about this all week, it was really cute to see a father so excited to show his daughter his job. Even when Ahri already knew what he did over there.

To be fair, Ahri was also excited. She loves her parents and the idea of spending time with them is something she would rarely decline. But I have to admit that leaving me alone with her mother is pretty uncomfortable.

Me: Well... they surely seemed to be excited about this.

Mrs. Luminaro: They are always like this. Ahri really admires her father, even when she's looking on following my steps when it comes to her future. She always takes the chance to have fun with her precious dad. Same for him.

Me: Yeah, I know how that is. Kai'sa used to admire our father a lot too...

I got hit bit a strong feeling of nostalgia, lately I've been able to control myself whenever I remember my family. But the fear of an inevitable reencounter hasn't left me, and I don't think it'll ever leave. Mrs. Luminaro seemed to notice this though.

Mrs. Luminaro: You are still afraid of confronting them, right?

Me: Yeah, I just can't stop thinking on all the pain I put them through.

Mrs. Luminaro: That's something valid, but you tend to forget that your actions didn't just bring bad consequences. My husband and I are still grateful to you for what you did seven years ago. Ahri too.

Me: Even so, I'm still wondering if there was anything else to do.

Mrs. Luminaro: Ahri thought about the same thing for several years, Legge thought about it too. No matter how they thought about it, they always came to the same conclusion. That there was no way to save everyone, someone was going to die no matter what. They thought that you knew this, and that you acted because you choose to be that sacrifice.

Me: I knew, but that doesn't stop me from feeling bad for the pain that caused.

Mrs. Luminaro: It doesn't stop you from feeling proud of the lives you saved either.

She gave me a soft glare before turning around and walking towards the kitchen.

I didn't have any plan for the day since Ekko had to do a lot of accumulated homework and the other Guardians had to do their own stuff...

This is going to be one of those days, huh?


-Ruri POV-

The little guy stayed behind as I made my way to the kitchen, not to prepare anything yet, but to check on what ingredient we had for tonight. But I ended up finding out that we didn't have practically anything left.

Me: Oh my, when was the last time we bought some groceries?

Well then, I guess that decides what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. Now that think about it, does the young Kei'ral has anything to do today? Maybe I can invite him to come with me, it wouldn't hurt to spend some quality time with the guy that's probably going to become my future son in law. Because no matter what excuses my daughter makes, she is definitely starting to feel interest in this young man.

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