SG Enciclopedia Part 1

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Phantom: Hey! Hello there, this is Phantom speaking. This here is not a normal chapter as you guessed by the title, this is a special chapter.

Ahri: You mean, like the chapters you use to explain important things you forgot to explain while writing the story?

Phantom: Those are the extra chapter.

Ahri: AKA, the chapters that should have been done before but you just realized they were necessary to understand the story.

Phantom: Yes, you already did that joke.

Ahri: It's not a joke, I'm scolding you here.

Phantom: ... I can make it so you become mute in the main story if I want too.

Ahri: Alright, I get it.

Phantom: Anyway, we are here for something I've been thinking on for a while now. I'm planning on using this kind of chapters to further explain some aspects of the worlds I'm using and how they fit in the world I'm creating in this story. To begin with I'm here to explain a little more about Kei'ral and his abilities.

Ahri: Now we're talking.

Phantom: Alright, let's go part by part. First let's talk about base level Kei'ral.

Ahri: You make it sound as if he's some sort of Saiyan and I hate that.

Phantom: I swear that wasn't the intention.

Ahri: Anyway, Kei'ral works in the next way, his basic abilities are all void connected.

Phantom: Well, everything in him is connected to the void.

Ahri: That might be true, but the basic powers he has are direct manifestations of the void energy his body now naturally produces. First of all, he can use the void energy to literally manipulate the gravity around him to a minor level, allowing him to "stick" to walls and different surfaces. This manipulation doesn't go further though, so it's not like he can make himself weightless or create a singularity point by compressing matter.

Phantom: Second, his ability to become invisible and intangible. It was slightly explained in one chapter, but here it is again if you forgot. He can use the void energy on himself to open a rift in space that leads him to another layer of the dimension he is inside of. This is a derivate from the always changing dimension of the void, not having a concrete form of existence and not always obeying the laws of physics. Inside this rift, Kei'ral can move around freely without being visible. This however is just the first dimensional layer, so to speak. To become intangible, he must enter a second layer, where he is not just invisible, but deprived of physical form. He becomes basically pure void energy that moves freely in space. But his capability to stay in these rifts is limited and normally, cannot be used for prolonged periods of time, as it is a very demanding ability.

Ahri: The void energy his body continuously creates can dry out quite fast depending on the demand he puts on his abilities.

Phantom: If he demands too much of the void energy, he will "run out of it". He never stops generating void energy, but he can consume more energy than he's capable of producing. Which leads to his abilities just stop working.

Ahri: Both the rift and the gravity manipulation are incredibly draining powers, so he cannot use them for prolonged periods of time.

Phantom: Even so, by not demanding his body much physical activity, the amount of void energy consumed is decreased, allowing him to keep going with the use of his powers. So, if he wants to, he can easily just stick to the roof and stay there for hours. He could literally sleep in the ceiling. Or stay invisible the entire day, but not intangible, that one is really hard to use and can become dangerous if he runs out of energy while being in the second layer. Stress can also take part on the consume of energy.

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