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-Soraka POV-

After Sarah left us in the middle of the forest, Janna and I continued our search. Though now we added the objective of find Sarah too. Things have been falling apart slowly since that day, since he went missing. But I feel like things are going to finally break down under their own weight. Sarah is definitely going through a difficult moment and she probably doesn't want help, doesn't matter if she needs it, she won't accept it so easily.

Thunders were resonating in the skies, but no rain. Signaling the presence of a familiar phantom to me.

Janna: Well, Sarah is gone and now we have to go look for her before she gets herself killed. Any ideas of what to do?

Me: I thought you were more experienced than me.

Janna: Not when it comes to hunting, you have learned more about it than me.

Me: Well then, if it comes down to me. I think I have an idea, but it relays on a miracle for it to work.

Janna: Are you sure?

Me: It's the best idea I can come up with, besides, we have an advantage already.

Just as I said this, a thunder went off in the skies, encouraging me a little about this. If the Kirin is close, then maybe I can convince it to help us look for Sarah and Kei'ral. But that only would be possible if we find it.

Me: There's a Kirin in the area, and I know him. If we manage to find it, then we will have an incredibly powerful ace up our sleeves.

Janna: And how are we supposed to find him?

Just as she said this, a gigantic lightning fell in the depts of the forest. Luckily for us, not too far from our position.

Me: I've been having a lot of luck lately, let's go.


-Kai'sa POV-

Ezreal and I were looking the creature in front of us, something that just a minute ago was a canine creature, was now standing in front of us with a humanoid physiology. The worst part is that he didn't look happy, at all. His eyes were always open, as if they didn't even have eyelids. That added to the brutal looking claws in his hands and feet, and the ominous heat and cinders emanating from his crimson scales. I've prepared my whole suit since the moment the other monster came to the scene, something I'm actually a little glad for, at least the helmet helps me to hide the nervousness in my expression.

Ezreal: What... happened to him?

Me: What do you mean?

Ezreal: That's...

He doubted for a second after glancing at me, as if he didn't want to talk about it in front of me.

Ezreal: He's the other void walker. The one that went missing a week ago.

Me: What?

He started to slowly reach behind his back with his right arm, I noticed a phone materializing behind his back, out of thin air. While this confused me, he slowly brought his phone closer to his front, trying to not alert the creature in front of us. Little by little, he navigated through the menus of the phone and did something I really couldn't see clearly.

Ezreal: I sent our location to the other Guardians, now all we have to do is to keep him in place.

Me: Alright then, you and I should be more than enough to hold him down.

Ezreal: I wouldn't be so sure about that. He wiped out half of us the last time we fought him, and we barely did any damage.

Me: What!?

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