Smart guy

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-Kei'ral POV-

I was hanging out with Ahri's group after classes. I must say, it was quite normal, nothing out of the ordinary. And I couldn't be happier about it, seriously. Seven years living in a constant struggle to stay alive makes you miss having a boring math class. But the others didn't feel that good about it.

Ezreal: It's just the first day and I already hated it.

Me: It wasn't bad at all dude; it was quite normal, and I loved every second of it.

Sarah: How so? It was boring as hell.

Me: I don't know, I just like the peace in that place.

Ahri: Well, there is not going to be much peacefulness tonight. There's the homecoming.

Soraka: Are we really going to assist?

Ahri: Why are you asking me? I'm not your boss, do whatever you want.

Time to space out for a moment. A homecoming? That sounds interesting, I was never a fan of it when I was in high school before. But I could maybe turn around the situation this time. It sounds fun, I could hang out with this new group of friends and who knows, maybe even make new ones.

Anything to avoid being alone again.

Ezreal: So, what do you say Kei? Are you going to assist?

Time to return to reality it is.

Me: I would like too, but honestly, that depends more if any of you are going or not. I want to make new friends, but I still want to have a security net to fall into if I don't make any.

Sarah: Considering your personality, having someone who already tolerates you is 100% needed.

Me: Why is everyone so rude with me?

Ahri: You earn it sometimes, not much people can stand hyper-active, joyful personalities like yours.

Me: I have my moments, but I'm not some sort of off brand Pinkie Pie or something.

Ahri: Not always, but as you said, you have your moments.

Me: Whatever, are you going or not?

Ezreal: I will, I don't see why not.

Sarah: I'll pass this time; I don't want to deal with Darius.

Soraka: Me too, I'll spend my night on the bakery.

Ahri: Well, I'm obviously going. Who else is going to be the queen of the dance?

Me: Well, that settles it for me I gu-

???: I guess I'm going too then.

We all turned to see the person who said that. And to my surprise.

Me: Oh, it's the grape lady.

Grape lady: The what?

I heard a slapping noise and turned to see Ahri facepalming.

Ahri: Her name is Syndra Tenebris.

Syndra: Pleasure to meet you, on a proper way this time.

Me: Well, howdy miss Tenebris. I'm Kei'ral.

I offered her a handshake, and she politely answered it. What a nice girl. The others seemed surprised though, don't know why.

Syndra: How was the first day on here?

Me: Quite good, it's a nice place in here.

And that's a fact, the front side of the institute is well maintained, the entrance had a beautifully designed gate with the symbol of the continent.

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