From two worlds

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-Kei'ral POV-

My body felt as if my blood was boiling, trying to erupt from my veins as if I was a volcano.

My mind was clouded by fury and hatred. Feelings that I didn't even know where they come from. My entire being was being tortured with constant pain and anger.

Her and there, glimpses of a battle crossed my mind and then...

Her voice, trying to calm de. Her eyes filled with worry and sadness... seeing me and the monster I turned into. That is the only thing I can recall clearly, that was the only thing I could recognize.

But I want to break free of this pain! I don't know what caused this! I don't know what is doing to me on the exterior.

All I feel is pain and my instincts driving me to kill...

My body moves, but it is not me the one in control. My primal needs and urges are making everything worse! I want to kill! I want to eat! I want to mate!

It's like the animal inside me is taking control of what I am!

What is going on with me!? Please! Someone! Take me out of this hell!



Take me out of hell!


-Third person POV-

As the hybrid made his way through the zone, it ended up reaching the same place where the Pink Rathian used to dominate. Now without an apex predator ruling the place, life was starting to return to the small oasis. Some rabbits and lizards were returning to the place to drink from the ponds of water; birds returned to their nests. The natural order was returning to the area now that the monster from another world wasn't changing the ecology of the area.

It was then that the rampaging Zinogre appeared, instantly spotting a rabbit in the edge of one of the ponds. And without thinking it twice, the wolf wyvern lunged forwards to attack the animal.


A tremendous force caused the hybrid to stop instantly, as this force pinned him to the ground. He tried to free himself by using a round of lightning but whatever was restraining him was not even affected despite his horrendous amount of power.

The rabbit ran away quickly after turning around and seeing the beast in front of it.

A mighty roar echoed through the entire zone as the beast holding down the hybrid raised its claw, just to bring it down with a tremendous force. The new beast keeps doing this until the hybrid finally fell unconscious, right after taking notice of this. The beast expands its wings, ready to take flight.


Ahri was sitting in the camp, seeing how Soraka was treating the wounds on their companions and friends. But her head was in another place, as she was thinking on what she saw in Kei'ral when stared at his eyes. She didn't know what it was, but she was sure that whatever was happening, it wasn't his fault.

Lux: So... Now what?

Ezreal: Honestly, I don't know.

Syndra: Any ideas of what's next? Ahri?

Ahri: Now you want to hear my opinion?

Syndra: *Sigh* Listen Ahri, you know what I was trying to do.

Ahri: Yeah, I know. I don't blame you for trying to protect me while I'm injured. But I do feel angry at you for not hearing me out.

Jinx: Well, when were you planning on telling us what was going on anyway? Surely something as big as demons and monsters stronger than the void is something that concern all of us.

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