The boys

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-Kei'ral POV-

Monday! Finally, back to school. I honestly never thought I would say this but how I missed Mrs. Laurent's lessons! After one hell of a weekend I think this is a good change of pace. Sadly, Shyvana didn't come with us. Though this was understandable, I still fell like I want to spend some time with her. Maybe I'll pay her a visit every now and then, just to keep that friendship going on and strong.

Anyway, we were already on the lunch break, Soraka came to our classroom to have lunch with us and even Lulu came to spend time with her friends. The conversation was something really casual for us right now.

Ezreal: So, shock traps work to keep a Zinogre in place?

Soraka: As far as I know, it only helps them to charge the electricity of their body faster.

Ahri: Yeah, but if they are not charged then they can slow them down at least a little.

We were discussing about the different Wyverns we could encounter and how to counter them. This would normally be risky, but quite honestly, this talk sounded as if we were discussing something from a videogame or card game, so the other students didn't really care. Some have tried to approach us before, but the mere pressure that Ahri tends to emit drives them away almost immediately. There's that weird idea of the popular group being unapproachable.

Ekko: I'm actually a little more concerned on the idea of the poisonous type of beasts.

Ahri: Ugh! Don't remind me, that Rathian was a pain in the ass.

Me: Hey, I told you to not go after her, but you went off anyways.

Ahri: Yeah, yeah.

Me: Anyway, when it comes to poisonous beasts, they might actually be a problem. We don't know how many damages they can do inside an untouched ecosystem.

Soraka: Well, for now the population of wyverns seem to be reduced.

Me: But that's starting to change. Just the sign of a Gore or Shagaru Magala is something incredibly dangerous... but hey, we can always go all by ourselves in the middle of the night to try and hunt them, right Ahri?

Ahri: Shut up idiot!

Everyone started to laugh at the little call to Ahri's recklessness. She didn't like it, but I have to make it clear to her that what she did was completely stupid, and she should NEVER attempt something like that again.

As for how we are interacting with each other after what happened yesterday... well, it has been a little uncomfortable, but nothing really that big. She clarified that she didn't mean it to be a love confession and that the meaning behind those feelings were the ones of a true friend. Still, it didn't take the idea out of my head. It's just a constant doubt now, it's been in my head all day. Does she like me that way? And what do I feel for her? Sure, I know that I love her. But I don't know if that's expressed in friendship, or if I see her like a sister, or even romantically. I'm not exactly new to love, I've had a couple of girlfriends before vanishing to the void. I didn't have any significant relationship though.

The conversation kept going normally, but I got distracted by some voices on the other side of the classroom.

Student: I still don't understand why she allows him to be near.

Student #2: Maybe she feels pity for him. He's just an idiot.

Student #3: Yeah, he just goes around acting so happy all the time, does he really think people like having him around?

Student: I know, he's so annoying.

They usually say things like that behind my back. Always referring to me being friends with Ahri and how I'm just an idiot that doesn't deserve to be around her. I just ignore them, though it hurts a little, it's nothing big and their words shouldn't have any effect on me.

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