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-Kei'ral POV-

The last thing I saw after killing that giant bug was the scared face of the officer in front of me. Then a blinding light... Followed by hell itself.

I was falling somewhere in a giant ethereal cosmos, the horizon showed what I could only describe as small galaxies. Or maybe they are not small, and I'm just seeing them from really far away...

As I kept floating aimlessly through this new space, I saw several islands floating, going from one place to another as randomly as I was. Some small were colliding, creating small explosions depending on the size. There were also some islands that I could only describe as continents, but I don't know if I'm seeing them from up close or not.

However, my consciousness kept failing me, from one moment to the other, I closed my eyes, only to find myself on a different place than before, and giant islands were nowhere to be seen, small rocks floated around me and...

I could feel my life slowly fading away...


I woke up suddenly, an intense pain was covering my entire body. The huge wound in my back felt like it was being ripped open, but I didn't feel my blood flowing out of it. Instead, I felt something entering, as if the blood was coming back inside, but instead of blood it was burning magma.

My veins were filled again, but not with my own blood, something different was entering my body.

It was then when I realized that I couldn't breathe, and there was a something else that I was feeling, it was like being underwater. However, it felt denser.

The pain kept increasing in intensity. I felt my skin burning to the point where I thought that it would melt.

My muscles were being constantly ripped apart.

My bones were smashed by pressure.

My internal organs where burning.

Then everything turned back to normal. My wounds were healed, my body felt healthy again, maybe even better than before...

But that didn't last long...

Everything started to be ripped apart once more, the pain was worse, insufferable.

But then at the next moment, everything turned back to normal...

The process kept going second by second.

My mind was being crushed every time my body was destroyed in pain.

But somehow, the mercy of insanity was denied to me.

I felt it over and over... dozens... hundreds... thousands of times.

My body refused to die for some reason, and my mind didn't gave up either. Like there was something keeping me from losing myself...

After what felt like years, I was pushed up to the surface of the liquid...

I don't know what it was. But it didn't matter when I went out of the substance, grabbing the edge of what it felt like rocks, I managed to pull myself out of the pit. I felt my entire body soaked wet in whatever I was drowning just a second ago.

Finally, I was able to open up my eyes, just see the same infinite cosmos form before, then I looked at the ground, seeing my hands covered in blood. But there was no pain, I managed to gather the strength to stand up, seeing my entire body covered in the crimson liquid.

But something was different, my body felt... strong.

I turned around and saw a torrent of blood, flowing like a waterfall to a crimson lake.

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