Starting again

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-Third person POV-

It was another morning in the institute, the time of the day when the students were arriving to the place. Some were optimistic, others were incredibly annoyed, and others were planning on how to make the bathrooms explode... namely Jinx.

But between all those students, a new student and an already well known one were standing on the front gate of the institute, not knowing what to expect from their "first day".

Kei'ral: You didn't need to change schools to come with me, you know?

Kai'sa: You need the support. *Sigh* Even if I'm not in the same class as you, at least I'm somewhere near you in case something happens.

Kei'ral: It feels weird to be treated as the younger one here.

Kai'sa: I mean, you technically are. I'm older than you now, if we assume you spend those 7 years frozen in time.

Kei'ral: How does that even work?

Kai'sa: If only we knew.

Both started walking inside, receiving constant glares from everybody in the area. Obviously, all of those stares were directed to Kei'ral, making him feel incredibly uncomfortable. He honestly didn't know what were they thinking of him, even with what he was told by the Luminaro family and his own.

Kei'ral: So, I somehow spent around a month or so in here before going back into a coma, right?

Kai'sa: Yes, I know that much. As for how you acted, well, I think only Ahri will be able to help you on that front.

Kei'ral: The same girl that came to visit with her parents, right? *Sigh* it's been only a couple of days since that happened, and I somehow still feel guilty.

Kai'sa: You have nothing to feel guilty about, nothing that happened was inside of your control... I think.

Kei'ral: Really reassuring sis, great job.

Both were walking without much care until someone stepped in front of them-- a huge guy with a really menacing aura, making Kei'ral step back with nervousness. Kai'sa watched the guy with questioning eyes, ready to defend herself and her brother. But that didn't seem necessary.

Vlad: Darius, calm down dude, you are making him feel nervous with that attitude.

Ekko: Yeah, dude, you are not really helping to make him feel at ease.

Another two guys approached the siblings, surprising them for a moment. A pale guy with white hair and a red coat above his uniform, and a dark-skinned guy with a really familiar aura for Kei'ral came to help their big friend.

Darius: Hey, uhm, my name is Darius and I... uhm, you don't know me, right? I was told you got amnesia and uhm...

Vlad: Calm down dude, you are not helping the poor guy.

Kei'ral: Are you... are you guys friends of mine? Or were?

Ekko: Yeah, we were. How are you holding on?

Kei'ral: I'm fine, I guess. It bugs me not to remember but...I'm feeling fine.

Darius: That's good to know, honestly, you just suddenly disappeared so we all were worried. At first we feared some kind of kidnapping, but when we knew you fell in coma... it didn't really help

The dark-skinned guy then walked closer to Kei'ral, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile.

Ekko: Either way we are here for you dude. If you don't remember us, then we are just going to become friends again.

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