Mantle that conceals light

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-Ahri POV-

I was helping my mother with the laundry since today was my free day. Since the café is open the entire week, the waitresses can have their free day any day of week. They let me have my free day today because I asked for it, precisely to help my mother with the house. The only reason Mr. Felix gave me the day is because I directly increased the popularity of the café with my performance the other day. So, it was some sort of a prize.

Mom: So, about your job, how is it?

Me: Surprisingly, not that bad. I haven't dealt with annoying customers and no one has even tried to harass me either, though that's probably because of the place's reputation. Apparently, the manager has made clear to the community around the local that any attempt of harassment to her waitresses is going to be severely punished.

Mom: She sounds like a good woman.

Me: She's a bitch, Evelynn doesn't let anyone harass her workers because that's a pleasure she wants for herself. *Sigh* Just because she's the wife of the owner... and because she's actually a really good boss and her "harassment" is nothing but teasing.

I could feel my mother giving me a smirking glare.

Mom: Well, you reap what you sow.

Me: I didn't mean to blow up the place!

Mom: Listen sweetie, I don't like the idea of my daughter "accidentally" blowing up people's business while pursuing a small wyvern. Should I remind you why were you pursuing that wyvern in the first place?

Shit, I can't argue with that. I returned my attention to the laundry and to the happy looking leviathan helping us. Mizu was having a blast while combining her bubbles and the soapy water we were using, oddly enough, having Mizu helping us to clean was actually faster than using the washing machine. Though we still had to use the dryer, the process was faster and definitely more fun.

Also, my mother has become almost as scholar when it comes to wyverns, leviathans and elder dragons. She has a thing for fantasy creatures, being a vastaya herself. My father was also interested in them, but not as much as mom. So, she asked Kei'ral about the possibility of using Mizu's bubbles and soapy substance to clean, and with the correct herbs and products... well, it's clearly possible.

Mom: That subject apart, how are things going with Kei'ral?

Me: What do you mean?

She didn't stop washing and didn't even look at me.

Mom: Have you two made any advance in your relationship? Or not?

She asked this really naturally and I can't believe she keeps thinking that way.

Me: I already told you that I'm not in love with him.

Mom: Are you sure about that?

Me: What? How could I not be sure about it?

Mom: Well, I'm just saying that I didn't even realized that I fell in love with your father until things were pretty much settled. Funnily enough, none of us were aware of how much of a couple we were until other people made us notice it.

Me: But Kei'ral and I are different.

Mom: How so? You've never told me how you see him.

Me: He's just a friend, one of the best kinds actually. He's always giving me a smile and sharing that happiness, even when things are not the best for him. Since the beginning he has been vulnerable, though most of the time he keeps control... some small things can be enough to bring him down entirely. Or at least they are small for other people's perspectives.

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