Both of us

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-Syndra POV-

Ahri decided that it was best if she and Kei'ral moved out of the other stars reach. Apparently, she wants to test the guy's abilities or something like that, and there's also the matter of returning him to society.

Again, I personally don't care. The rest of the team understood that Ahri had something to do outside of the camp and stayed with the idea of her having an urgent matter to attend back in home.

Though, when it comes to me, I don't know how I am going to survive in this camp with-

Counselor David: Gooooooooood evening! How is the revision of the cameras going Syndra!?

Me: As awful as it can be. Everyone took boring photos of normal plants or squirrels.

Counselor David: Seriously? Everyone?

Me: I don't know yet. I still need to check one last camera. Kei'ral and Ahri's team.

Counselor David: Well then! I'll leave it to you! I still have to make sure everyone's tents are comfortable enough for them to sleep well and have the best possible dreams.

Me: You are a weirdo. But in a good way somehow.

Counselor David: Awwww I knew you would appreciate my efforts.

Me: Just leave me finish this before you get on my bad side.

Counselor David: Aye aye miss!

And he left the place. Finally.

He is annoying, but his cheerful personality is somehow contagious. Anyway, I got one last camera to check on. I wonder what kind of photos did Ahri took, I just hope they are different from the photos out of Ezreal and Lux's camera. Those two are definitely going to end up together, the dumb girl spent almost all of the memory of the camera taking secret photos out of Ezreal. Not even good ones, some of them were incredibly blurry and looked rushed. And on top of that, he knew what she was doing and let her do it.

Just pathetic.

Well, let's see...

Me: Interesting.

The first photo is an eagle. Curious to say the least, no one else got to take a picture of something like that.

The next photo was...

A video?

Let's see.


[Kei'ral: Okay!

The video shows Ahri standing in front of the totem, making a peace sign pose while winking at the camera. And after a couple of seconds that way, the sound of the camera taking a picture echoes through the video. The camera loses focus and the video becomes blurry for the movement, but the audio is still clear.

Kei'ral: Here it is, absolutely beautiful... and the springs are okay too, I guess.

Ahri: Idiot.

Ahri then notices that the camera is recording and stops it]

The idiot doesn't even know how to use this thing, but that was... interesting to say the least. They seemed to be getting along just well, maybe a little too well.

I kept checking on the camera, seeing the different photos. There wasn't any other video at least, looks like the idiot learn how to use the camera at the end. Photos of different animals, there is a deer, some birds... an ocelot!? That's definitely something interesting.

The photos of the other totems were pretty much the same as the first one, either Ahri or Kei'ral doing some stupid pose. But they seem to be having fun, nonetheless. However, I can tell that the guy kept the camera most of the time, because there are at least 30 different pictures of Ahri in here. But pictures where she didn't realize what the guy was doing, but this ones were different from the pictures Lux took from Ezreal. These ones were made on incredibly good angles, with the light and the background making Ahri look just beautiful. I'm not afraid to recognize that the fox is incredibly attractive, and apparently, that guy thinks the same. But there is something different in these photos, maybe it was the way they were taken, he was careful to do it right. The photo itself tells me the intentions of the author, somehow. He just saw her and thought that that beauty was worth to be captured in a picture.

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