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-Soraka POV-

The day was reaching its end and Sarah was still wandering around the forest in pursuit for the Anjanath. I kept following her around because I wouldn't leave her alone, but as the sun came down in the horizon, I knew it was time to return home.

Me: Sarah, I think we should be heading back home. We encountered the Shagaru Magala and had enough clues of the Anjanath for now.

I was ready for her probably strong answer, since she seemed so fixated in finding that wyvern. But instead of that, I received a tired sigh and a positive response.

Sarah: I guess you are right. The sunset is already in the horizon and the Anjanath is probably far form here. I feel like we have been going in circles for hours... let's just go home.

I sighed in relief, since this means we can go to a safer location now and discuss our advances for now. Sadly, we didn't find anything related to the Stygian Zinogre or Kei'ral, but the current state of the Shagaru Magala and the Anjanath still roaming around are really good information. However, much to my surprise, the moment I turned around, I was stopped in my tracks when I hit something big and sturdy.

As I looked up, I found myself looking directly at a Kirin.

As I looked up, I found myself looking directly at a Kirin

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The draconic horse was looking down at me with calm. I took a couple of steps back and I heard Sarah doing the same, but none of us took out our weapons since we knew it was suicide. The Kirin looked at us with a confused stare until it started sniffing the air around him. His gaze wandered the area as he sniffed for something, finally resting his gaze on me. I felt intimidated for this and the Kirin didn't seem to care, it just slowly moved forwards, making me take a couple of steps backwards. But as he kept getting closer, I noticed how his stare was fixated on the purse I was carrying on my left flank.

Thinking quickly, I remembered what I had inside the purse and hurried myself to take it out. It was a small lunch box that I filled with a salad, just in case I could get hungry in the middle of the expedition. I opened the box in front of the Kirin and saw it staring at the vegetables with a curious yet intense glare.

I turned around to see Sarah, and she just looked at me with a half-smile and a thumbs up, but not really convinced about this. But I let the Kirin try the food inside my lunch box, only for it to start calmly eating. He was taking his time and enjoying the vegetables while calmly standing there. The lightning in his body disappeared as soon as he walked closer to me, making him look like a beautiful white coated unicorn.

The creature was majestic to say the least and seeing it from up close could be considered a blessing. I knew from the bestiary that Kei'ral gave us that these creatures are extremely rare, and it was a miracle to see them on the world they come from. And now I'm actually feeding one.

The creature seemed pleased with the food and curiously enough, he seemed to be enjoying the little tomatoes I put in there more than any other part of the salad. He soon finished the food and turned to me, sniffing me from up close and poking me to see if I had any more food. I chuckled a little for this and tried to tell him.

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