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-Kei'ral POV-

A giant mech was standing in front of me, made out of metal scraps and connected with golden strings of webs, its movements were clunky and visibly difficult. But that didn't mean it was not a threat. The strings pulled from one of the legs of the mech, rising it from the ground and then letting it fall with enormous strength. The limb hit the ground with enough power to create a shockwave that rushed towards me.

I jumped away from the attack and saw the wall of the fortress behind being hit, shaking it to the core.

Me: How am I supposed to fight that thing?

Just as the mech tried to turn around to face me, I started to run around it to get out of its line of view, if that thing has one to begin with. To answer my doubts, the ground around me started shacking once more, until a giant metal beam was pulled from the sands one more. The piece of metal was obviously being tied with golden webs, and it flew around of the mech for a moment before being thrown at me with ridiculous strength. I jumped over it and used it as a step to jump into the back of the mech. But as if things were not bad enough, a string of web was shot at me, tying me up and pulling me away from the mech.

The webs were pulled so I was thrown back in front of the metal monstrosity. Smoke dashing to the side, I rid myself from the bindings right in time for me to avoid the giant pike thrown at me.

As I stood up from the dive, I turned around to see the giant pike at my side, noticing how it was a weapon from the wyvern's world.

Me: So, there's the commander's dragonator... I need a plan to take down this thing.

Just as I said that, another 4 dragonators were thrown at me. I jumped over the first one, letting it sink into the sand behind me, for the second one, I twisted my body to avoid it midair. Using it as a platform, I ran through the frame of the weapon to get off it with a bullet jump, avoiding the third one with this and landing a kick on the side of the fourth one. This took the weapon out of the trajectory it was following to nail it on the ground. Stopping my momentum with this, I repositioned myself to land, turning to see the dragonator and grabbing it with my claws. I used a lot of strength that I wasn't really sure that I had to move it around and throw it back to the giant mech.

As I readied myself to do this, a lot of smoke and cinders started to concentrate in my arms, followed by the distinctive powder of a Teostra.

This resulted in what I was expecting, an enormous explosion that threw the weapon like a bullet towards the metal contraption. The impact was huge and managed to completely destroy the left front leg. As for me, the strength of the explosion sent me flying backwards, making me collide with the walls of the fortress.

I took a moment to see my own arms once more, seeing them transformed and covered in crimson scales that resembled muscles just like the ones from an Odogaron, but in between them, where it usually would be illuminated by crimson heat, cinders and powder was being released. The powder was from the Teostra, no doubt about that, but what was waking him up just now? Why not before?

The sound of metal crashing and bending took me out of my train of thought, seeing the giant mech slowly losing its balance and falling to the ground. As the frame of the mech touched the ground, a giant cloud of dust covered it. I stood up and looked at my arms once more, it wasn't the moment to make those questions, so I centered myself once more in the issue at hand.

It took several seconds for the dust to settle, but once it was gone, a golden mantis stood in front of me. Deep red eyes were staring at me with fury, shinning menacingly as it started to mover her limbs around, as if it was manipulating something. Several golden strings of web were being tied up and thrown around the battlefield, connecting with basically every single part of the fortress, but then she moved them down. Hiding them below the sands.

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