Twisted soul

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[I think it would be good to inform you that this chapter... yeah it's going to be a harsh one, bear in mind that this is going to be infuriating in some parts... and might be a little too much for some audiences, I don't know. Personally I've seen worse but well, a little warning is never out of place]

-Kei'ral POV-

My consciousness returned after a while, I was walking through the forest, but it seemed like I was reaching its end. The trees seemed to be less abundant and little by little there were fewer of them, giving me a vision of a dead looking paramo. As if life was being taken away from the place, with fewer plants, and with the ones that survived the environment being dry ones.

I didn't know what was driving my body, what was making me move towards this place. But I didn't resist the urge to move, as it felt like I was being driven to something necessary. My mind was being bombarded with visions and memories of the souls inside, all of them showing me the worst of their lives.

Nothing got through me to be honest. But I'm starting to feel my entire world being shaken from the inside, still resisting, but slowly starting to deteriorate.

My head wandered through different memories once more...

No... not memories...

This was different.

It was me... but something was off, my body wasn't being controlled or anything. I had complete control over what I was doing. All my surroundings were different from where I was walking a moment ago.

It looked like Ahri's house. Nothing seemed different from the outside. But as I looked around, I found myself looking directly at a horrid scene.

Tied to a post, as if it was an exhibition, there was Ahri's father. I could easily tell that he wasn't alive, just by looking at him. Not because of a horrid wound, but because of his lifeless eyes. I knew it, he was death in front of me. As I took a couple of steps back, I managed to hear glass shattering inside of the house. Hurriedly, I ran to the front door, with the pain of leaving the man behind still hanging on that post.

As I reached the main door, I tried to push it open... but I simply went through it. As if my body wasn't tangible in the first place, I went through it like a ghost. Not explaining myself this, I heard cries and screams coming from the kitchen and not thinking it twice, I ran towards it...

Only to find myself.

It was me, right in front of me, but the sight couldn't be more distant from reality.

I was holding Ahri's mother by the neck, pinning her to the table. The woman was completely naked as her clothes were ragged, apparently by me. I couldn't really discern her cries, but my mind didn't have any problem to figure out what she was saying. Pleas for mercy, probably insults or questions as to why I was doing this.

Something I couldn't really answer.

Scared of the obvious result, I walked towards myself and tried to grab my shoulder. As expected, my hand only went through. I felt my strength leaving my body, letting me watch helplessly how this horrid version of myself raped that poor woman that has helped me for so long.


Just then my reality changed once more, leaving me inside of what only could be described by a ravine. The moonlight shined with enough strength to let me see around the place, revealing several corpses from animals. From recent bodies to skeletons that already lost all trace of meat over them. Putrid corpses everywhere the light touched.

Then I heard a menacing howl behind me...


My vision returned to another location. I was on the school grounds, inside the hallways. It didn't take long before I managed to hear more struggling inside one of the classrooms close to me. Afraid of seeing what was going to happen after entering the place, I forced myself to enter, finding something I wasn't expecting for.

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