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-Third Person POV-

Ahri: Blazing blue eye! How fitting for the bad time I'm having right now!

She was jumping around the field while avoiding the enraged attack of the leviathan, trying to get him out of her tails, but the beast was not giving up. The situation was bad, with injured hands, Ahri had it really hard to counterattack. Maybe her Starlight attacks could do some damage to the beast, but even creating her own flames hurt her.

Despite being blind, the Mizutsune managed to always throw a blue fire bubble to her direction with pinpoint accuracy. Feeling cornered, Ahri thought about the possibility of running away, but having two other creatures on her back made the front the only way to go. She tried to run past the leviathan, but he slid right in front of her and attacked with his tail. The soapy substance of the creature covered the fox girl and the massive tail of the creature hit her directly pushing her away.

She rolled on the ground for several meters, but the soap surrounding her didn't let her stop, making her slide until she hit a tree in the border of the forest. The Mizutsune didn't stop there and started to rush towards her; seeing the upcoming danger, Ahri stood up quickly and tried to avoid the attack. But the bubbles around her just kept making her moves futile, so, resigned to receive the attack, she crossed her arms in front of her and readied for the impact.

The Mizutsune didn't disappoint her and used his tail to swipe the fox girl from the tree. She was sent flying once more, rolling through the ground while covered in bubbles and soap. It took a while for her to stop moving, and once she finally stopped moving, she tried to stand up once more, but the bubbles made it almost impossible, meanwhile, the Mizutsune stayed in place waiting for her to make noise to properly locate her.

Ahri kept slipping while trying to stand up, finally falling on her knees and getting tired of it.

Ahri: Alright, no other option, this is going to hurt.

Her medium appeared, with its appearance of a grown fox. She used her usual flames to surround her and vaporize the substance covering her, making sure they were not close enough to burn herself.

Looking directly at the beast, she prepared an attack on her own...

Until a sudden shockwave assaulted the area around them. The shock came from the side, on the air? Another shockwave came around and finally, a void rift appeared on the space between the Mizutsune and Ahri. And while nothing came out of it, the Mizutsune felt the abnormal energy and started to ran away from the place, leaving Ahri alone to deal with the problem.

Ahri: Now what!?

Just as she prepared herself, Cerberus came running out of the forest, followed by Kai'sa. All of them reunited once more and turned to see the different rifts appear in the space in front of them ready to fight any anomaly or void creature...

But the thing that actually came out...


Kei'ral came into the main hall where he woke up, finding nothing. Awan was nowhere to be seen, and not a single wind current moving the sands in the room...

Awan: You haven't noticed it isn't it?

The guy stayed quiet, listening to the voice and trying to discern the direction it came from.

Awan: This place, where we are. These are the ruins of my past, of the tragical event that lead history into what it is today.

Kei'ral: And sadly, you couldn't stay dead.

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