Chapter 39

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Italicized = flashback



"Sehun, can you come and look after Y/n? I can't postpone my recording for the second time." I fastened my seatbelt, getting ready to leave for my recording even when I'm still tired from the flight.

We had to go back right after the burial since I'm being scolded for rescheduling the recording of my new songs. The passing of Y/n's grandmother was unexpected, thus, prolonging the time we have to stay there when we only came to visit her.

As much as I don't want to leave Y/n now that she's sad, there's nothing that I could do but let her rest and leave her to Sehun - who had comforted her more than once.

"Where is she?"

"She's just in her room, crying."

"Hyung... What did you do this time?"

"I did nothing, Sehun! She lost a loved one, what do you expect for her to feel?" that came out angrier than intended. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm down, reminding myself that Sehun knew nothing and I can't blame him. I'm just frustrated that I couldn't or more like I don't know how to cheer her up, it felt unfair that she did a lot to comfort me when I was having a hard time, but I can't even think of one thing to make her feel better.

"I didn't know, hyung. I'm sorry."

"She doesn't want to talk about it that's why she didn't tell you. Y/n hasn't been talking since the funeral and refused to touch her phone."

Sehun sighed from the other line. "Chanyeol hyung and I will be right there."

I hang up and mindlessly threw my phone on the seat beside me. Shock surge in me in a matter of second as I gasped. "I'm sorry-" but then I remember that Y/n is currently not on her usual seat to join me going to my schedules. I thought I accidentally hit her with my phone.

Having the remaining half of the day to spare, I managed to record two songs and the rest will follow. They had to cut the recording short considering that I just came back from another country and only had a short time of rest. A progress is all we needed to accomplish for today.

"What's my next schedule?" I asked, stretching my arms as soon as I got out of the isolation booth after recording the last song.

"I don't know, why are you asking me?"

My eyes rolled and stilled on the side while I'm processing my own question that I accidentally asked to the producer. "That was supposed to be for my manager. I forgot she's not here with me today."

Trails of restraint giggles from the staffs were heard shortly after I said those. I spared them a confused glance, making them stop.

"I guess that's it for today?"

Once dismissed, I left SM, drove off and soon found myself strolling around the mall, still wondering which store should I go in to get something that may console my manager. I have been thinking even before flying back home, but there's nothing in my mind. How do you cheer someone up who's grieving? Do I give them something they like or say encouraging words?

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