Chapter 12

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I heard that all of Baekhyun's former managers would just leave if they can't handle his rudeness anymore. I'm the Legendary Manager and the longest running so I thought I should end things properly and bid farewell to the friends I made while I'm working.

Now that Baekhyun had found Jian, I'm sure he won't be rude to his manager once they hired someone new after I leave. She was the reason why he's rude, a facade he had to put up in hopes to leave Sooman no choice but to bring her back. Jian's an idol now and that's a better arrangement compared to when she was his manager. I guess he doesn't have any reason to be rude now.

I've decided to quit after Baekhyun's last music show performance tomorrow. It's been two days since the last time I showed up to work and Baekhyun still hasn't done anything to at least console me for what he have said back at the dinner. Actually, after I've decided that I'm quitting I suddenly wasn't sure of it until today. Have I mentioned how I'd ask for signs when I'm bewildered? That was my sign to leave, he doesn't do anything until today then I'm really quitting the job as his manager.

"I can still pull it off even without practicing, I promise you that. I still don't feel well." I coughed. My pretend sickness turned real a day after I lied about it. Luckily for me though, I didn't have to go and see Baekhyun.

"I trust you after that spontaneous performance." Jongin giggles from the other line. "Welp, seems like the team has to call it a day."

"Huh? Why?"

"Baekhyun hyung isn't here to. He said he needs to go somewhere." I felt a sting in my chest after I heard those, knowing where Baekhyun probably is if he's not at work.

"Is that so?" I sighed, "I have to go now, Jongin."

"Yeah, get well soon!" and I hummed before hanging up.

Pulling each of its ends tighter around me, I kept my blanket from falling off my back as I laid down on my bed and brought my knees up to my chest to hug them. Now I'm a sick, upset, and sulking fluffball.

The reason why I was suddenly not sure of quitting is because Baekhyun might never listen to his new manager and keep on meeting Jian that he'd forget he's an idol and has schedules to attend every single day. I'm... Er... glad that he found his love again but I hope he never leaves his responsibilities as an idol. From the way he's acting since he bumped into her, he's slowly changing into someone I couldn't believe I fell in love with. Wait, that shouldn't be my problem now since I'm unstanning him and I'm really quitting.

"Y/n!" a loud knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts as my body shoot up due to shock. "Someone's looking for you!" it was my mom.

"Okay!" I responded and jumped off my bed. I took one last glance at the mirror to make sure I don't have any eye boogers before meeting my visitor.

I went out of my room. "Who-" as soon as I turned to the side after closing my door, Baekhyun came into my sight, standing at the end of the hallway that leads to my room. Few seconds I stood there, stunned and not knowing if I'm seeing things or the last person I want to see is really standing few meters away from me. When Baekhyun blinked his eyes that's when I was convinced that he's indeed right inside our house. Rolling my eyes, I turned my back at him and opened the door of my room to go in without saying a word, then locking it and throwing myself on my bed where my phone is.

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